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With every mile we drove, my heart sped up. Fear over what we would find when we got to Jo's bar was filling me and until Dean placed his hand on my knee, I hadn't realised it was shaking so much.

I looked up to him in thanks and he just stared back, the same fear in his eyes.

We finally pulled up outside the bar and Dean rushed out of the car, going into the trunk and handing me over a bottle. I frowned at it and he shoved a gun in my hand as well.

"Holy water, it's toxic to demons." He grabbed my hand with the gun in it. "Please don't use it unless you really have too." His eyes were pleading and I didn't even have to say anything, he trusted that I wouldn't hurt Sam unnecessarily. If a demon was possessing him, it meant Sam was innocent, that he wasn't responsible for anything that had happened over the last few days. Sam was innocent but the demon was deadly.

We scurried over to the doors, I peeked my head through the window and sighed out of relief when I saw that Jo wasn't dead. She was tied to a pole against the bar but she was awake and her mouth was moving.

"On three." Dean whispered and then counted down before kicking the door down.

"SAM!" Dean shouted, holding his gun out. Sam grabbed a knife from the bar and then walked behind Jo pressing the blade to her neck. His face screwed up, shifting to one of panic but I could see straight through it.

"I begged you to stop me, Dean."

Jo closed her eyes tightly as the blade pressed deeper on her skin.

"Put the knife down." I said calmly, mostly because my heart was beating too fast to allow me to shout. Sam looked over to me sadly.

"This is going to become you soon Faith." He shook his head in distress. "It's horrible. This feeling, the urge to kill. You know what I'm talking about, I know you feel it too."

I looked at him disgusted and shook my head. "No. Actually I don't."

"Sam! Put the knife down, dammit." Dean shouted, Sam's head snapped to look at him. "I told you I can't fight it! My head feels like it's on fire, all right?! Dean. Kill me, or I'm going to kill her. Please. You'd be doing me a favor! Shoot me." He stepped away from Jo, his arms extended. "Shoot me!"

Whilst his eyes were trained on Dean's, I edged my way over to Jo slowly, giving her a reassuring nod as I did.

"No, Sammy, come on." Dean lowered his gun and turned around. I saw Sam's jaw clench and he stormed towards Dean who had turned his back on him. "What the hell's wrong with you, Dean? Are you that scared of being alone that you'd rather let Jo die?"

Dean turned around quickly and flung the holy water at his face, my eyes widened as I watched his skin start to steam and he let out a loud cry. I rushed to Jo, attempting to untie the ropes around her wrists. "That's holy water, you demonic son of a bitch!" Dean shouted.

I pulled at Jo's wrists until they were free and then I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her away.

"Did he hurt you?" I rubbed her hair and she shook her head. "No, not really."

There was a loud crash from behind me and I span around to see Dean on the ground, having been punched by Sam. The demon started making his way over to him but I unscrewed the cap on my own holy water chucking it over him to distract him. He growled before turning around angrily and grabbing me by the throat, pinning me to the wall. I choked as he looked down at me, his eyes were black and his nostrils flared. His eyes moved down to the gun that I had pressed against his stomach and he chuckled.

"Do it."

His grip on my throat tightened and my head began to feel fuzzy. "Go on. Shoot Sammy. You'll be doing him and you a favour."

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