Forty One

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"Lucifer?" My eyes widened as Dean walked around the couch before gently lifting my legs up and sitting down beside me, resting my legs on his lap. "Like the real life actual devil?"

He nodded and I sighed, closing my eyes and dropping my head off of the arm of the couch, as if things needed to get any worse. Dean had taken me to the hospital after they put the witnesses back to rest and as I'd expected, my coccyx were definitely broken and were going to take at least 8 weeks to heal. I had to stay there for a couple of nights whilst they monitored my head, given my injuries, I had to be careful that I hadn't started bleeding internally. As soon as they were sure that I wasn't, I discharged myself and had Dean pick me up which led to where we were now. "Yeah, Castiel said that the raising of the witnesses thing was one of the 66 seals to freeing Lucifer." I pushed my head back up and nodded to the beer on the counter, he reached over and grabbed it, handing it over to me. I took a long sip and then rested it between my thighs as I thought about what to say next. "So Lucifer... He's an angel." I said and Dean shrugged. "I mean biblically yes." He responded and I nodded again.

I reached out and grabbed his hand, intertwining my fingers with his and giving him a supporting squeeze. "Then we stop the seals being broken, or we find Lilith and kill her before she gets the chance to break anymore."

He smiled at me and chuckled slightly, shifting himself so that he was hovering over me but being careful not to put any weight on me. Bobby and Sam were both out for a few more hours and I was glad to finally have some time with Dean, I hadn't exactly expected much due to my broken tailbone but the look on his face was telling me that wouldn't be a problem. "We aren't doing anything, you're not able to stand up by yourself, I hardly think you're fit to kill a demon bitch." His head nuzzled into the crook of my neck and I allowed it, missing the sensation. This was the first time since he'd been back that we'd actually had some time together. He reached down between my legs and I gasped at the sudden movement and then my face flushed with embarrassment when I realised he was just moving the beer bottle. "You are also not fit for any 'physical bedroom activities' until you're healed." He smiled down at me lazily and I rolled my eyes before pulling his head down to meet mine and kissing him softly. "Good thing we're not in the bedroom then." I said between kisses, he kept himself above me, allowing the sofa to take his weight instead of me. I knew he wasn't going to go any further than what we were doing now, he was too scared to hurt me and he had a point, some of the things we did in the bedroom were enough to break a tailbone themselves, it wasn't a good idea to go into it injured. But that wasn't going to stop me from soaking in whatever action I could get. I heard a whooshing sound from besides us but ignored it due to the lips moving down my neck. I smiled with my eyes closed. "Dean, you- OH MY GOD!" I screamed as I opened my eyes and saw Castiel stood right beside us on the couch, looking down with a stoic glare. Dean sat up quickly and defensively, accidentally pressing into my hip with erupted a groan of pain from myself.

"Sorry, sorry." He said as he pushed off of me looking pretty shaken, my brow was heavily furrowed at the angel who was still looking at me. "Dude what the hell!" Dean shouted with his hands in the air as I grunted, a sound that was powered by both humiliation and frustration. "You don't just swoop in when people are in the middle of-"

Castiel's head snapped to Dean whose words trailed off under his intense stare. "Do you really think fornication is best given Faith's injured condition?"

Dean swallowed hard, his face screwing up. "We- we weren't 'fornicating'"

I scoffed. "Please don't say that word. Why are you here?"

Castiel looked back at me. "You are injured, I have been ordered to protect you until further order."

I frowned at him. "And?"

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