Twenty Eight

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I twisted the cap on the shower, stepping out and wrapping a towel around myself, then another one around my hair. It was nice to finally have my own things, my own body products, my own clothes. Stealing the boys' shirts was nice, they were comfy but nothing beat going through my own drawers and picking out a nice outfit.

I slipped on a skirt and a blouse, then dried my hair and straightened it before putting on some light makeup. I'd asked Dean to take me home for a few days, so that I could get some of my things, and sort out all the bills that I hadn't paid. Being a fugitive made this a little more difficult, apparently the police had been around here a few times so I had to try and remain cautious, so when the boys come to pick me up in a few days, I was going to have to kiss goodbye to all my memories in this house.

I sat in my car and smiled, feeling the steering wheel. It had been almost a year since I'd driven my own car but I'd decided to sell it, I didn't need it anymore and it would get me some cash for the road. I drove down to the address of the buyer, parking outside and then stepping out, knocking on the door.

A man opened it, he was in his late forties, he was dressed like a typical dad and flashed me a kind smile.

"Hey, I'm Grace, with the car?" I smiled and he nodded, I'd had to use a fake name and sell the car under the table in order to stay off the police radar. I was pretty surprised that they hadn't put my car in compound but I figured after a year of me not returning they had given up keeping an eye on my place and my things.

"Do you mind if I take a look? My wife's not happy that I'm not going through a company and has demanded that I check everything's in working order." He smiled at me and I nodded, leading him down to the car. I stood beside it whilst he checked around, looking at all the nooks and cranny's. After a while he stood up, looking pleased. "You've got me sold. Come in, I'll get the money."

I nodded and followed him into the house, his wife greeted me at the door, she was a little younger than him but she also looked kind. I recognised them from the hospital, Mr and Mrs Cane, they had a son with alcohol dependency so they were in quite frequently to pick him up but they seemed like nice enough people. Thankfully they didn't recognise me, and as I sat at their breakfast bar Mrs Cane handed me over a glass of iced tea. I took a sip and smiled at her, it was delicious.

"The trick is to let the lemons sit in sugar for a while before squeezing them." She winked at me and I took another sip, looking around the room. I noticed a photo frame, it was them and their son, he looked a lot younger in it and they were all stood outside of the house smiling in the sun. For some reason it warmed me, seeing such a happy looking family, something I'd never really experienced before.

Mr Cane walked down the stairs holding an envelope, he slid it across to me and I opened it taking a look at the cash inside. I smiled and then reached in my pocket pulling out the keys. "She's all yours." I beamed and slid the envelope into my bag before the pair of them led me to the door and opened it.

"Thank you very much."

I nodded. "It's a good car, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have."

I turned to start walking out of the door. "See you around Faith!" The wife called out and I stopped, frowning. I quickly reached into my bag grabbing my flask of holy water and splashed them, they instantly recoiled and started shouting in pain.

"Oh dear, it's Grace now isn't it." Mr Cane chuckled and reached out to me grabbing my arms and spinning me, pushing me back into the house. I slid across their polished floor before the pair of them stalked over to me, their eyes black.

"What do you want?" I asked pushing up to my elbows.

Mrs Cane smiled. "We just want to talk." Suddenly she screamed, before her head was smashed into a wall. Mr Cane turned around to look at the attacker but instead received an upper cut which flew him into the kitchen.

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