Forty Five

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My legs trembled as I pushed forward, sprinting as fast as I possibly could. I had no destination in mind, I just needed to move as fast as I possibly could. Every inch of my body, my muscles, my skin was burning and aching as I continued to run unable to contain my breath as I panted.

I stopped just before a warehouse door, grabbing it tightly and swinging it open before tumbling in. I grabbed the closest object to me, a plank of wood and slid it through the handle to keep the door locked before I turned around to find what I'd been running from was already here.

I stared panicked, looking from left to right for a way out but the only way out was through him and I knew that wasn't possible. He was faster than me, stronger than me. I had no chance, all I could do now was beg.

"It's no use running." He spoke from the shadows and I just shook my head, a loud sob coming from me.

"Please don't. The order hasn't even been given." I pleaded but he just stepped forward, an expression on his face that didn't represent anything of guilt or shame.

"But it will. I have no choice."

I shook my head again, another cry coming from me as my entire world began to shake in my view. My survival instincts were little to none, my whole body had started to give up on me.

"I can make this easy for you. Just stop running."

He stepped closer to me, his body looming over me as I just stared, my fate was chosen for me. This was it.

"You heard what Castiel said, you have to follow-"

"Castiel doesn't know what he is saying. I am doing this for the greater good."

I swallowed hard, my eyes were streaming with tears as Uriel reached his hand out to me. "But I don't even understand why. Why am I like this?"

I closed my eyes, finally giving up as his hand pressed onto my forehead and I felt nothing but heat and spiking pain in my head, the only thing I could think about was how sorry I was.

48 hours earlier-

I swung my blade, the knife cutting straight through the vampire's neck, killing it instantly. I looked around me at the pile of bodies and smiled, this was the first time I'd really worked solo on a case and it had gone well. I was probably pretty stupid to go out without telling the boys, but they were finishing up a case in Washington, something to do with a wishing well and a talking teddy bear. I didn't really take the time to take in all the details because Jo had called me with a case that she had found, a small nest of vamps. There were only four of them, and I'd managed to subdue them one by one- killing them all in the end.

I pulled out my phone to see a text from Dean, they were heading back but wouldn't be here for at least twelve hours. I sighed and then stepped over the headless vampire corpse beneath me, heading over to the stolen car that I'd used to get here from our motel. Things were a little off with Sam and Dean, Uriel's comment about Dean's time in hell had been playing on Sam's mind and I knew there was some hostility between them over it. Dean didn't wanna talk, he kept saying he couldn't remember anything, I knew he was lying but I didn't want to push him. It was probably horrible memories and he definitely didn't have to let it all out until he was ready.

"Hello stranger."

I grunted loudly before turning around to see Ruby standing behind me, her arms folded over her chest. "You cleared them easily." She nodded over to the cabin where I'd just taken down the nest.

"What do you want?"

She pursed her lips and took a step closer to me. "You remember how much easier it was when-"

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