Thirty Seven

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"You've got to be kidding me!" I slammed my hand down on the fence, night sky almost blocking the vision before me.

"Shh, you don't want your boys to hear you now." I screwed my face up as Ruby walked past me, even in the night, I could see she was smirking.

"I called you weeks ago. How the hell am I supposed to help Dean now."

Ruby's features narrowed as she halted and turned to face me. Almost three weeks ago I had stolen her number from Sam's phone, I wasn't entirely sure why he had it but I didn't question it, it didn't matter. I called her, told her that I was in and prepared to do whatever it took and she told me that she'd see me soon.

"The world doesn't revolve around you. I've been busy." She said snarky and I clenched my jaw in frustration. Since the last time I had seen her, and ingested her blood, I felt powerful. The last times that I'd had demon blood in my system, I'd ran from it whereas this time I was chasing it. I was feeling stronger and stronger every day, I was even able to move things with my mind if I concentrated hard enough. I kept it hidden from the boys, it was the best thing to do. I didn't care about them finding out after I'd saved Dean, I didn't care how angry they got. Even if Dean never spoke to me again, at least he would be alive long enough to hate me. I knew it was wrong, the high pitched headaches that I got every time that I tried to use my abilities just proved that but I was strong, strong enough to know that once this was done, I would never see Ruby again and I would never touch demon blood again.

"You were supposed to teach me. I've got less than two days to learn now."

She sighed and rubbed her head. "That's not enough time."

I scoffed at her and slammed my hand down again angrily. "And who's fault is that! I- I need more. I can be strong enough, I just need more blood."

I stepped closer to her and she moved backwards. "It's not my fault, I gave you this option months ago and you turned it down. It's not my fault that you finally decided to listen to me when it was too late."

I grunted in frustration and reached out grabbing her arm, slicing it with my blade. I quickly brought it up to my mouth, soaking in the blood that should've disgusted me but instead filled me with strength. Something that felt wrong and right at the same time. I heard Ruby chuckle. "Jesus, if you wanted physical contact all you had to do was ask."

I lifted my head away from her arm, feeling the blood dripping from the corners of my mouth. In an instant, I smacked her in the face, a hit so powerful that it sent her down to the ground. "This isn't funny."

She laughed from the ground, pushing back up to her feet. "Alright, I forgot how sensitive you junkies are."

I raced over, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her up against the broken shed. She struggled against my grip but I was stronger, holding her in place. "I'm not a junkie." I spat. "I'm doing this because I have too, no matter how sick it makes me." I stared into her eyes darkly as she spluttered and then I let go, she dropped down from her toes to her feet and coughed up a little. "Keep telling yourself that, and I'll keep listening to your pleading voicemails."

My jaw clenched but I noticed a light turning on from inside the cabin we were staying at. Dean's room. I grabbed Ruby and pulled her behind the shed so that we were out of view of the house where Sam and Dean were sleeping. I tried to ignore the pounding in my head, the pitchy ringing that was playing over and over. I'd gotten quite used to it over the last couple of weeks and I was able to push it aside mostly. Ruby leant against the shed wall, poking her arm out and waving it like I was some dog wanting a bone. I turned my nose up, disgusted with myself for feeling exactly like a dog with a bone. I gave in, grabbing her arm and sucking again, knowing I didn't have long before Dean would come out looking for me. As I did, Ruby reached into her pocket, pulling out a handkerchief. "This feels so intimate, I've never been much of a girls girl but you are starting to-" I shoved her into the wall, grabbing the cloth from her hand and wiping my mouth. "Shut up and get out of here." I said before chucking the cloth back to her. She grinned before pushing away from the wall and walking through the field, till she was out of sight.

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