Fifty Two-

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Faith's POV-

I sat on the bed with my legs crossed as Zane looked at his laptop on the desk. His leg was bouncing under the table and he had been tapping his finger for the last half an hour in silence. He was definitely nervous and I figured it was to do with those two hunters. I stood up and walked over to him quietly, placing my hands on his shoulders and squeezing gently. "What's wrong?" I whispered as I tried to soothe him. He just hummed in response and continued to scroll through his laptop. I sighed and leant down further, placing my lips on his neck, something I knew he liked. But as I started to kiss him he stood up quickly, his shoulder smacking into my mouth causing me to bite down on my lip.

"What the hell!" I shouted as I brought my hand up to my bleeding mouth. He turned around to look at me and his eyes widened as he realised what he had done.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too."

I scoffed. "What's wrong with you? Is it Sam and Dean?"

He shook his head before walking over to the bathroom and grabbing me a towel to place on my lip.

"What is it? What happened between you and them?"

He shook his head again. "It doesn't matter Faith."

I furrowed my brow up at him. "Yeah it does, it's got you wound up enough that you just shouldered me in the mouth! Just tell me."


I jumped at his loud tone, he had never shouted at me before. Whatever this thing was between him and those two hunters, it had riled him up and I wanted to know why. My mind fluttered back to the way they both looked at me at the station, the familiarity that I had felt around them and their car. "Do they know me?"

He shook his head.

"Zane, stop lying to me! Who are they?!" This time I raised my voice. I'd spent the last two months trusting that what he told me was the truth, he was all I had so I had to trust him and what he said. I had no idea where I'd come from, all I knew was how to hunt but had no idea how I knew that.

"It's complicated."

I scoffed at him. "Tell me!"


The door burst open, Dean having kicked it down. "What the hell is going on in here? All we could hear was shout-" His eyes moved around the room until they settled on me, a scowl spreading across his face as he noticed the blood on my lip. In an instant he turned to Zane and threw him to the wall, punching him hard. I screamed in shock at the reaction. "DID YOU HIT HER?" He punched him again and I rushed over, grabbing Dean's arm and attempting to pull him away. As I did, something appeared in my mind, an image. It felt like Deja Vu, like I'd done this before. I could see an alleyway, it was nighttime and I was looking at Dean, hitting some drunk guy as I watched from the ground. I let go of Dean's arm, this was the first memory that I'd had that actually played out in full scenes in my mind instead of images and flashes.

"I didn't hit her!" Zane's voice broke my thoughts and I looked down to see his face bloody as Dean laid yet another punch into him. "Stop him!" I shouted to Sam who was also just watching in shock, he nodded and grabbed his brother, pulling him away as I knelt down beside Zane and placed my hand on his cheek gently.

"Is he alright?" Sam asked me as I closed the bedroom door behind me. Dean's beating had knocked him out, he was fine, I had to stitch a cut on his cheek up but other than that, he was just a bit roughed up.

"He's fine." I slipped past him and out into the main room where Dean was sitting on the bed, his hands placed together. I walked up to him and slapped him on the back of the head, startling him.

•Unwritten• Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat