Thirty Six

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A train blared past me as I sat waiting. I had managed to buy a ticket using one of the jacked credit cards that the boys had given me, then I dumped it so that they couldn't track me down.

I was so angry.

Angry with myself for lying to Sam. Despite my arguments for it, I still lied to him and he had the right to be upset. Angry with myself for thinking that Dean gave a crap about me for even a second, someone who gives a crap doesn't just chuck the person they 'love' into the fire. Angry with myself for hitting Dean, I wasn't a violent person. Angry with Dean for making me love him, and still love him even though he'd pushed me too far. Angry with Sam for bringing me into this, setting me up in this life. Angry with my father for abandoning me when he could've been protecting me, teaching me. Angry with Azazel for feeding me his blood.

I was so angry and I couldn't even begin to filter through all the reasons. I just wanted to explode.

"You alright sweetie, you look twitchy." An elderly lady sat down beside me and smiled. I took a deep breath in and nodded. "Yeah, just had a fight with my boyfriend."

She sighed and smiled. "I remember those days." she chuckled and I nodded. How amazing it must've been to go through your entire life without knowing what lurks under the shadows.

"Where you headed?" She asked nodding to the time table.

I pressed my lips together. "I'm thinking Vegas."

She nodded and looked around the room, as her head was turned to the side, I noticed a bloody wound on the back of her neck. It looked like a gunshot wound, suddenly my guard rushed up and I shifted to the side slightly.

"Christo." I whispered and she twitched.

I stood up quickly and swung my bag, smacking her across the head, knocking her down to the floor. Lots of gasps came from behind me and I grimaced. To everyone else in the train station, it looked like I just pelted grandma in the head with a bag. She pushed up to her arms and looked over at me, her eyes black.

I took off running, barging and pushing past the bystanders trying to stop me. Once I exited the train station, I stopped to take a breath. I wasn't that far away from where the boys and I had been staying, which meant Sam would be in danger too.

I pulled out my phone and started dialling. It rang and rang with no answer.

"Shit." It went to voicemail. "Sam, I know you're angry at me right now, I understand. There's demons here, after us, one of them just attacked me at the station. Be careful."

I slid my phone back into my pocket and kept running until I reached a diner, I rushed in and then panted in the doorway for a second.

"Running from your troubles?" I heard a sweet voice say above me and I smiled, an expression that quickly faltered when I looked up and saw a black pair of eyes looking down at me. I turned around to run but another demon stood at the door, locking it behind her. "Shit."

I was tied to a chair, struggling to get free when grandma walked back into the diner, clicking her neck back into place as she approached me. She peered over at me and then backhanded me. "Just a bit of payback sweetheart."

I closed my eyes tightly and grunted. A part of me expected Dean to come running through those doors to save me any second but I knew it wasn't happening. He'd left me enough voicemails for me to know he was on his way to see this Rufus guy.

"You here to kill me?" I asked, brow raised. "Let me guess, Lilith sent you?"

The demons all looked at each other smiling. There were four of them, the rest of the diner was filled with bodies.

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