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Hey guys! Thank you so much for all your reads and comments, it's really appreciated. This is another chapter that will slightly deviate from the original episode. I hope that you'll enjoy. Also, shoutout to this lovely reader who's shown me so much support since I began writing!! itsyogirllynne 

My hands were tied, so tightly that I could feel my fingers begin to tingle from the blood circulation cutting off. I looked down at the wooden chair I was sat on, praying that at any minute it would start to crack or break so that I could break free. I wriggled, grunting as frustrated tears fell down my cheeks but it was to no avail. My eyes shot up to the door as it opened and I began to shake my head.

"No, please don't hurt me." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry." He looked genuinely hurt as he held the gun up to my head and I started shaking my head. "Please." I begged again and he closed his eyes. "Where's Dean?" I asked, now sobbing. The man just shook his head and cocked the gun and I closed my eyes tightly, finally accepting my fate. Then I heard the gunshot.
24 hours earlier.

"Beer?" Jo slid a bottle down from the far end of the bar and I caught it in my hand with ease. She gave me an impressed nod before walking down to the seat beside me and hopping on it. It had been a couple of days since Dean found out the truth, and he'd lived up to his promise of not telling Sam. The guilt still made me feel ugly but the fact that Dean was managing to forgive me made it that much easier. Yesterday, I'd asked the boys to drop me off at the roadhouse, I was desperate for some female company and they had some business to attend to themselves.

"You girls hungry?" Ellen appeared with a towel over her shoulder and two plates of what looked like brisket. I grinned widely and nodded and she placed the plates down before us.

"How's things going with the boys?" Ellen asked as she started wiping down the bar beside me. I nodded and swallowed my first mouthful of brisket. "Good." I didn't want to tell them about the argument between Dean and I.

We finished our brisket and Ellen left to go serve some customers. "Look at this." Jo held out a stack of papers to me and I took them looking at them confused. "What is it?"

She smiled at me nervously. "I've been looking you up, checking traffic cams to see whether I could catch that guy that's been following you."

I raised my eyebrows and looked back to the papers. "And?"

She sighed. "Not much, the same car has been behind you twice but it might not mean anything. But I've checked all the motels you've stayed in and four of them have had the same guy book in within twelve hours. And get this, his name is John Doe." She raised her eyebrow and I nodded. "That's really good, thanks." I smiled and the doors opened behind us, Dean rushing in.

"Faith." He looked at me solemnly and I stood up, grabbing my bag from the table and heading over. He gave Ellen and Jo a quick hello then goodbye and rushed back outside.

"Thank you for having me!" I called out as I followed him.

"Anytime sweetie."

"Continue on O-R Two-Two-Four West." Sam's GPS spoke as Dean drove and I listened from the back seat.

"There are only two towns in the US named Rivergrove." Sam said looking over to his brother. I leant forward placing my head between the two men. "How are you so sure it's the one in Oregon?"

"There was a picture. Crater Lake." Sam closed his eyes, he seemed disturbed. Apparently, he'd had a vision on their way to pick me up. Dean in a room, about to shoot a kid.

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