Fifty Three-

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It had been a couple of weeks since I got my memory back and so far, things seemed to be going alright. Dean and I were on a good track, we were kinda bonding through our similar experiences and I think he mostly just felt guilty for everything that happened whilst I was dead. I'd forgiven him for Anna, I understood but I still didn't feel right sleeping with him. It was more difficult to show him physical affection now but I was trying to work through that. It felt good to finally be alive, and have my mind completely together again. And now I was ready to get back into cases. My being dead didn't stop Lilith, more seals had broken and people still needed saving. Which is what I needed to do.

I shoved a pile of fries into my mouth, closing my eyes and nodding in pleasure. One thing that I had definitely missed after my time being dead was eating and since being brought back, I was surprised I hadn't put on a bunch of weight.

"And you're concerned about my cholesterol all the time?" Dean joked and I shot him a death stare. He grinned before grabbing a handful himself and then I looked over to Sam beside me who was talking on the phone. The last couple of weeks I'd noticed something was off between the two of them but I didn't bother asking, I needed a break from drama.

"No, no, no, no you're right, it's definitely weird. Okay, thanks Bobby." Sam put the phone down and started typing on his laptop. I raised my eyebrow at Dean before elbowing Sam. "What's up?"

"Bobby found something in Wyoming." 

"A job?"

He nodded. "Maybe. Small town, no one has died in the last week and a half."

I frowned before taking a sip of my milkshake. "And that's unusual because...?"

"It's how they're not dying. One guy with terminal cancer strolls straight out of hospice, another gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch."

I pouted my bottom lip before leaning closer to Sam and taking a look at his computer screen. It was open on an online news paper and the headline read; Shooting victim walks away unharmed. Man miraculously survives after a direct shot to the heart.

Dean shoved a mouthful of burger into his gob. "And the guys not a donut?"

Sam shook his head. "Locals are saying it's a miracle. It's gotta be something nasty right? People making deals or something?"

Dean seemed unconvinced for a second as he considered it and then shrugged. "Yeah it's probably worth checking out."

Sam patted me on the knee to signal for me to slide out of the booth before pointing at Dean's burger. "Better take that to go then." I slipped out and then followed Sam outside as Dean got himself a doggy bag from the counter of the diner.

I walked over to Sam and grabbed his arm gently before he sat in the car. "Are you okay?"

He frowned at me and then nodded. I was still holding my milkshake in my hands, I'd learnt to always ask for a takeaway cup because we never seemed to be able to stay in any kind of food establishment for very long. I sighed, I didn't exactly want to involve myself in any more drama but I also couldn't stand the tension that I could feel between them both.

"Are you okay?" He changed the subject. "I mean, you were dead a few months ago, then you had your mind messed with not to mention seeing Dean with An-"

"Ah ah- No mention of the A word please." I said sternly before punching him lightly in the shoulder. "And stop changing the subject, what's going on between you two?"

He pulled some of his hair out from behind his face. "The siren, you know it got its claws into us? Well, I think Dean's still a bit hung up on what it made me say."

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