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For the third week in a row, I woke up, showered and then sat at my computer screen with no idea what I was looking for.

I'd become obsessed, with where my ability came from, with demons and ghosts and I'd spent the last few weeks reading every lore book I could get my hands on. I didn't leave the house once besides going to the library. I quit my internship and I didn't even care. The only thing I could think about was my ability. It came from a demon so surely it had to bad but after helping Cassidy, I was struggling to work out how it could be.

I closed the tabs on my computer, a knock on my door startling me. I wasn't expecting company but figured it was just Dr King coming back to follow a safeguarding check. Apparently my actions at the hospital had caused great concern with human resources so they were covering their asses by constantly checking up on me. I slid out of the chair and wrapped my dressing gown around me tightly, preparing to tell the same story again. I've decided the hospital was too much for me. It wasn't true, not completely. The job itself wasn't too challenging but the fact that everywhere I turned, I saw ghosts made it a bit harder to stay focused.

I opened the door and stuttered slightly, before me stood Sam and Dean, the pair of them flashing me smiles.

"Um hey." I said, I'd told them to drop by and keep me in the loop but I didn't expect them to actually follow up on it. Dean wasted no time pushing through the door and making his way through the hallway. Sam shook his head in apology and I moved to the side to let him come in.

"You could've called." I rushed over past Dean and grabbed the pile of books off the desk, throwing them into a cupboard. Dean raised his eyebrow at me. "Ancient nordic lore?" He asked and I just scoffed turning to face the younger of the two. Sam gave me a half smile and Dean made himself comfortable on my couch.

"Nice place? This all yours?" He asked smoothing over the fabric with his hands.

"It was my grandma's, she left it for me when she died." I said moving to sit in the chair opposite him. Sam walked around and sat down next to his brother, and kicked him under the table, probably to alert him of his rudeness. I didn't care too much about that, I was more embarrassed over the fact that they were here and I was wearing my pyjamas and dressing gown.

I coughed, breaking the awkward silence. "So, been up to anything exciting?" I asked pressing my lips together and looking between them both. Dean smiled. "Just zombies." I frowned at him and looked to Sam who just nodded confirming that he was telling the truth.

I sat with my arms folded across my chest, slightly uncomfortable. "Coffee?" I asked and the pair of them nodded.

I slid the third cup under the coffee machine and tapped my fingers on the top, waiting for the liquid to pour. Neither of them had said why they were here, it didn't seem as though they had any urgent news regarding the yellow eyed demon but they didn't seem like the type for a drop by and a catch up.

"You've been keeping yourself busy."

I looked over to the door, Dean stood against it holding a book that I'd forgotten to hide. I closed my eyes, again embarrassed and then just nodded.

"Day off?" He asked, changing the subject and nodding to my ensemble.

"I quit."

He frowned and stepped forward, placing the book on the counter. I pulled the third cup out from the machine and then reached into the cupboard, pulling out the sugar.

"One for me, none for Sammy."

I nodded and added the appropriate sugars.

"Why did you quit your job?"

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