Thirty Nine

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I was frozen to the spot.

The man at the door looked like Dean, he had his smile, his eyes and he was covered in dirt. He stepped past Bobby who also looked gobsmacked and smiled softly at me. As Dean stepped closer to me, Bobby pulled out his silver knife and attempted to stab him but in reflex, Dean grabbed his arm and knocked the silver out. Bobby broke the grip and backhanded him, knocking him into the wall beside me.

"Bobby! It's me!"

I dived onto the floor grabbing the knife and running at him myself. There was no way this was Dean, it had to be some sort of shapeshifter, or monster. He grabbed a chair and slid it between us, trying to make some distance. Bobby pushed past me and tried to lunge at him but he span with the chair as a weapon. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer. You became a hunter after your wife got possessed, and... you're about the closest thing I have to a father. Bobby. It's me."

Bobby's arm slowly dropped down to his sides and he looked over to me, a look that I'd learnt to know meant 'bullshit'.

Dean slowly put the chair down, sighing and I took the opportunity to jump at him myself, trying to cut him but he caught me before I could and bent the blade from my hand, subduing me. "Faith, Jesus, It's me!"

"No!" I grunted trying to pull from his grip. My arm slid out and I raised my leg, kicking him hard in the chest, knocking him into the table. He tried to stand up but I punched him hard then dodged his attempt to tackle me, instead he crashed into the wall and then stood up straight with his hands up, surrender style.

"I am not a shapeshifter!"

Bobby scoffed. "Then you're a Revenant!"

Dean quickly snatched the blade out of my hand and held it to his arm, cutting it. "Alright. If I was either, could I do this – with a silver knife?" He grimaced slightly but looked between the two of us, proving that it wasn't burning him.

"Dean?" Bobby said, his tone genuine.

"It's me."

Bobby embraced him and I just stood there, too stunned to speak or to do anything. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"It's... It's good to see you, boy." Bobby said pulling away. "But... how did you bust out?"

I edged closer to the desk, grabbing the flask of holy water that Bobby kept in it. "I don't know. I just, uh, I just woke up in a pine box..." I splashed him mid sentence but much to my surprise it had no effect. He stared at me dully and spat the water out. "I'm not a demon either, you know."

I put the flask down and squinted looking at him. I moved closer, grabbing him by the cheek and inspecting his face. "Dean?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you." His hand moved up to grab mine holding his cheek, his touch felt so real, it was warm. It was really him.

"Oh my god." I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head in his chest, taking shaky breaths in. His arms wrapped around me, and he leant his cheek against the top of my head. I could actually feel him, feel all of him. I moved my hand down to his shirt, sliding my hand underneath it, he flinched at the sensation as I tried to feel for the scar that I'd seen the first time we'd made love.

"Woah woah, Bobby's in the room." He tried to push me away but I just smiled up at him, feeling the scar. Dean was actually alive.

I sat on the edge of the desk as Dean stared down at the phone with a frown on his face. I was still in shock, I couldn't explain what had happened, how the hell Dean was back. I wondered whether he remembered hell, did he suffer? I wanted to ask him so many questions but my mouth wouldn't let me. I wondered what he would think when he found out what I had become after he died, would he look at me differently? Would he understand? Would he be disgusted like my father had said?

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