Chapter 1.

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I've previously moved to a new country, with my Foster dad. Well, yes, he had fostered me from my dead parents.

But they weren't dead. He knew that. He helped them escape the country, and he took me in and said he saved me so he could get a better public opinion on him.

My "dad" is called Daren. He's a very busy man, a billionaire even. We don't really talk much unless he wants something, like a small speech of how much I love him. Ugh.

I won't deny it. I'm very grateful for him taking me in because my parents ran away and left me, but he lied to the whole world.

I wasn't a fan on liars. I don't think anyone in the right mind is. Luckily, the man loved his cars, and I loved motorbikes.

He would do some racing, and so would I, but on motorbikes. No one knew it was me on the motorbikes. Even when I won the races, I'd never show my face.

People called me "Queen Bee" because I have a bee on the side of my helmet. I thought it was adorable, but now we have moved.

Thankfully, I got my motorbikes transferred to Tennessee, New Carolina. Everyone accents are different here, but that's because I'm British.

I have a warehouse of my own filled with my motorbikes. However, I want some more. I just need to find a place to get them.

No one ever knew it was me. I'm sure my dad would figure that out as soon as he learns the famous "Queen bee" has moved with him.

I loved the way he worshipped her. He doesn't shut up about her and really wants to meet her. She, me, I'd very successful.

Which meant I could save money, and I managed to get my own money. I loved that people loved me without knowing it was me.

My dad went out for a business meeting but told me I needed to make sure some men were fixing his cars and treating them well. He cared more about his cars than me.

Honestly, that's valid.

I get tutored so I didn't have to go to university or anything, even though I'd love to. Around 4.30 pm, I went to the address my dad sent me.

It led me to a fancy garage that wasn't too far away. It was massive. I walked up and saw some men tending to my dad's car. There were four of them.

Men without their shirts on, big ass arms and abs. They were sweating, which meant their bodies looked like they were glistening.

"Not to be a bother, but I was supposed to sit and make sure you wasn't harming the car or whatever." I muttered.

They all shot their heads at me. "Let me guess, Darens maid? I'll admit you're a little young to be a cleaner. Or is that how the asshole likes it?" One of them asked.

"He's my dad." I replied. They all looked surprised. "Can I not make myself useful in any way?" I asked.

"A little princess like you is too precious to be touching his precious cars." One of them mocked.

"Why is everyone assholes here?" I asked in a mutter. I walked over to the motorbike that was on the side.

"Forgive them. You just don't look the part of a rich bitch we expected you to be." One of them said kindly.

"Trust me, I'm far from a daddy's girl. If I want money, I'd earn it myself." I remarked. I kneeled down next to the bike and fixed the chain.

"It's completely fucked princess." The kind of said.

I looked up, and they were all glaring at me. I twisted the key and turned on the kill switch. I reved the engine and it worked.

The men all came over quite shocked as they checked out the bike. "Faulty chain. I may be a little rich bitch as you said, and I know nothing about cars, but I do about motorbikes." I said cockily.

"Your dad wouldn't want you touching his car, would he?" One of them asked. I shook my head.

"Perfect. You can help us clean it." One of them said. My dad would kill me for this. I loved it.

We all started cleaning the car and one of them sent me for the hose. I got the hose and squirted it at the man.

"Never compare me to my dad, please." I said innocently.

They all went to get the hose off me, but I squirted them all. One of them, the hot one, managed to come up behind me, and he grabbed my waist.

The other one took the hose off me and squirted me, I couldn't do anything. This man had me stuck against his abs.

"If it isn't Lucas, Jay, Rain, and Blake. Trying to fuck the bosses daughter now?" A man laughed from the door.

The one called Jay turned the hose off. His jaw line looked sharper as he clenched it. His blonde hair was soaked. We all were.

"Fuck off Alec." The one holding my waist said firmly.

"You guys were slagging her off earlier, and now you're all over her. Let me guess. Is it the money? She striked your fancies?" A girl like that would never go for any of you." Alec mocked.

I went to walk past Alec, but I kicked the back of his leg, and he went flying to the floor. "What the fuck?!" He shouted.

"Why is everyone so sexist here?" I groaned. I folded my arms against my chest as the man got up and walked off.

I then realised all the men were looking at me. "A rich girl who doesn't care about getting her hair wet, fixes bikes, and can fight." One of them said with his jaw to the floor.

"This might be a stretch, but do any of you know a street racing place?" I asked in a mutter.

"Let me get one this clear first. That's Lucas. Rain, Blake, and I'm Jay." He said.

"Elena." I murmured.

"You planning on street racing, princess?" Lucas asked. I shook my head.

"I enjoy admiring."

"What time does your daddy normally want you in?" He asked.

"He's racing tonight. He won't know." I replied.

"Great. You can ride with me on my bike. We will take you." Lucas offered. I didn't know them, and I knew it was bad to get on a bike with a stranger, but who cares. What's a bit of fun.

I nodded and sat at the side, waiting to dry off while they went back to tending to the car. "How old are you?" Rain asked me.


I learned Lucas was 22, Rain was 24, Jay was 22, and Blake was 24.

"How did you guys meet?" I asked. They all went quiet and glared between each other. "Let me guess, fell in love with the same girl." I chuckled.

"You're saying a girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend? Surly, your dad would make you get in a relationship with some rich asshole." Lucas questioned.

I hesitated before answering. "Long story, but I prefer being single."

"And why's that?" Jay asked.

"It's easy." I shrugged. "Plus, I'm way too busy with my job to have a boyfriend." I replied.

They all looked at me even more surprised. "A rich girl who can get anything she wants has a job? Doing what? Stipper?" Blake chuckled.

I threw a wet sponge at him. "What no one knows can't hurt them." I remarked.

They all seemed to agree and continued. They were decent men, I guess. The most honest men I've met since I got here, at least.

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