Chapter 6.

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There was no fucking point me walking through them woods. I'd get so lost. I walked back inside and walked into the kitchen.

They all stood in there with big smirks. "Lucas." I said warningly.

"I can drive you if you just asked." He chuckled. I do not want to be asking him for help.

I lifted up my hand and showed him his motorbike keys that I stole out his pocket. "Or I can just go steal your bike." I said innocently.

Lucas walked up to me and snatched the keys out my hand. "Ask, or you'd get yourself killed before you even get out these woods." He said with another stupid smile.

"I'd rather die." I said, turning around. "And stop stalking me!" I shouted before leaving through the door again.

I wasn't stupid. I just followed the tire tracks from the motorbikes that were Ingraved into the dirty. I'm guessing I should have just followed them, even when they stopped.

Twenty minutes must have gone by of me talking. My legs started aching, but I couldn't go back now. I finally stumbled across a gas station.

I ran down the little mountain and went inside the gas station to the counter. "Excuse me? Could you tell me where I am, please?" I questioned politely.

"Boys." The man shouted.

Four boys came up behind me. "What's the problem, city girl?" One of them asked.

"Oh. I-i was just wondering where I was." I muttered.

"Lost? We can drive you back. As long as you're not scared of motorbikes." One of them chuckled. I shook my head. "Good."

I walked out with the men. "So where are you headed?" One asked.

"Oh, um.. the town." I muttered. They all shot their heads to me.

"How did you say you got here?"

I went quiet and didn't reply.

"She's their girl." One of them whispered. They all looked at me quite shocked.

"See, if we take you back to Lucas and the others, they'd fight us for even going near you. Luckily for you, pissing them off is what we do. I'm Marcus." He said with a smirk.

Marcus, Jacob, Raven, Barty.

At least these four bikers wouldn't be psychotic stalkers. Instead, they hate my stalkers. On the drive, they were explaining why.

Something about Lucas and the others just being dicks. The whole village avoids them because their psychotic. Especally Rain.

They told me Rain is the vicious one.
Blake and Jay know how to fight, but their more nerdy. Lucas is a complete dick apparently and he fucks every girl he can find.

I'm guessing that's true. I hate the idea of him fucking another woman, I hate the idea of him even touching one that isn't me. And I don't know why.

We were on a motorway when four bikes came up behind us. It was Lucas, Rain, Jay, and Blake.

"Awh, look who it is." Marcus chuckled. "Let's give them a run, boys?"

This wasn't going to end well. I held onto Marcus tighter, and he went even faster than before. Lucas and the others weren't giving up.

They pulled off the junction and started driving down some roads. Rain went up next to Raven and killed his kill switch. Raven went flying off, and we all stopped.

Marcus got off the bike and went to go push Lucas. I wasn't paying attention to any of them. I just went up to Raven and made sure he was okay.

I helped him up, and he had a concussion but was still conscious. "Elena. Let's go." Lucas said coldly.

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