Chapter 21.

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We all went in the car, Lucas wouldn't let me go until we got there. Jayden had men on all everywhere. This was completely massive. The whole world would find out about this.

We finally got there and managed to sneak down to behind a container. There were men treating women like shit all over.

It was dark, so we blended in quite well. Marcus and the others wished us good luck and split up from us. I trusted them not to fuck this up.

This was life or death.

Lucas and the others were pushing Jessica around, making it look a little believable. Even if none of us liked it.

One of the men came up to us. "¡Mete a estas mujeres en jaulas! (Get these women in cages)" the man ordered.

"Vete a la mierda, idiota (fuck off you prick)" I spat back. The man slapped me and walked off.

"Are you okay?" Lucas whispered. I nodded and acted like nothing had just happened. "These assholes are dead." He muttered.

"Found it. It's through there." Jayden pointed out. "That must be the office."

Which meant we now had to split up.

"Give us ten minutes, and we will be gone. Please be careful." Lucas said again. I nodded and we all separated.

Jayden and my dad both grabbed each of my arms and started pushing me gently into the barn looking thing. We went up some stairs and heard someone coming.

I grabbed Jayden and forced his body against mine against a wall. I kissed him, and to make it look more realistic, we both disgustingly started making out.

The men walked straight past us, pretending not to see us and they left. I quickly pushed Jayden away.

"No wonder Lucas put a baby in you." He chuckled. My dad slapped him on the head.

We continued walking up the stairs, slowly and cautiously. The two of them pushed me into a room, and Tom turned his head to me.

There was a massive window behind him. I saw Rain leading a full fucking line of children and women out.

Tom laughed and went to turn around, but I had to stop him. "You were dead!" I shouted, grabbing his attention again.

"I'm sure you figured out that your so-called mother pulled me onto the boat and helped me." He said.

"I figured that out. I wanted to hand her to you and saw you with my appreciation." My dad quickly lied.

Tom pulled out a gun and shot my dad in the chest. He dropped to the floor as I pretended to cry as he also shot Jayden.

The two of them were very much alive. Bullet-proof vests. Perfection. I acted so scared, I should deserve an Oscar.

I looked out the window and saw the women, Child, Lucas, and the others were gone.

We heard gun shots going on outside. The police men must have come and started shooting everyone. Tom and his men in the room looked alarmed and terrified.

"What the fuck have you done?!" Tom shouted as he walked up to me and grabbed my neck.

I started choking. "I-i know the truth." I breathed out. He let me go, and I panted for air.

"You lied about being my dad, but in my eyes, you still saved me. I fucked up, I know that. But you'll always be my dad. I love you like a dad!" I blurted out.

Tom looked surprised as he stepped back and smiled. "Jayden is a police officer. He called them. Not me. Just please, we can run from here and get away from everything." I pleaded.

"You're not scared that I could take you and kill you?" He asked.

"I'm more scared that you're going to get caught and never see my baby grow up." I said, holding my stomach. His eyes widened.

He stepped forward and put his hand on my stomach. "I'm going to be a grandad?" He asked.

I got my knife out my back pocket and stabbed him in his chest. Jayden and my dad got up and shot the other men to death.

Tom fell to the floor and I kneeled next to him. "You will never be my dad. You never have been, and I'd be a fool to let you near my baby." I said innocently.

"This isn't over. I'll be back." Tom breathed out, and then I watched as his final breath slipped away from his lungs.

The door busted up, and police came bursting in. Jayden explained everything and left to go do a statement.

My dad and I walked down together and got in the car. Jayden finally joined us and got in the car.

"I didn't mean anything I said. My real dad is you. I've always seen you as a dad, and I'm sorry about that woman." I said to my dad.

He smiled and continued driving. "I'm going to be a fucking Grandad. I'm beyond excited." He admitted.

We got back to the house, and Lucas hugged me tightly as soon as I walked in. He pulled back and checked my body and found injuries.

"I'm fine, I promise. He's gone for good." I said softly. Lucas hugged me again.

My dad pulled Lucas away. "You got my daughter pregnant!" He raised his voice, but then to my surprise, he hugged Lucas.

"You two will be good parents. Just don't let her get hurt." My dad said firmly. Lucas gladly agreed on that.

I walked into the living room and saw lots of women and children. There are too many to even count.

That entire night, we worked on getting the women into good homes and refuges. Most of them owned the kids, so they were safe.

I'm so glad there wasn't a shortness of building in this town. That would be horrible. They'd have nowhere to go.

I sat in the living room with some of the leftover kids. There was thirteen. Mix of boys and girls. Marcus took Ben home, which ended up going well.

The kids all got comfy with me on the sofa and fell asleep all over me. I had a note pad in my hands with all the kids' names, descriptions, and what happened to their parents.

Most of them were murdered or got taken thanks to Tom.

I ended up falling asleep with the kids and they slept on my shoulder.

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