Chapter 12.

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We got back to my house. Barty, Jacob, and Raven all sat on the kitchen stools as I healed their wounds and bandaged them up.

Lucas, Jay, Rain, Jessica, Marcus, and Blake walked in and stood around. "If sleepovers are normally like this, I love it." Jessica joked.

"Elena, stop." Lucas said, getting in front of me. Our eyes met.

"Your shoulder needs stitching up, and you're helping them. You need to help yourself first. If not, tell me what to do." He said softly.

I shook my head. "I'm fine. I'll do it in a minute." I muttered.

Lucas moved out the way and let me continue, but I could tell everyone was worried about me. After all, this is my fault.

"I- I'm sorry about this." I said to Raven as I continued bandaging up his arm.

"It wasn't your fault, but your a fucking idiot for risking yourself for us." He laughed softly.

I smiled at him and stood back. They were all healed so now I could calm down and do myself.

"I'm sorry about your-" I cut Rain off.

"Don't finish that. He wasn't my dad. We're all alive. It doesn't matter." I turned around and started washing my hands from dried up blood.

"Hey, at least your mum's alive." Blake said, trying to make it better.

"Wait, what?!" My dad said, coming down. "What the fuck happened to your arm and who are these boys?" He questioned.

Marcus and the others all started explaining the story to him while Lucas tried helping me with my shoulder.

"You guys should go. Marcus and the others can sleep on the sofas and in the spare room until tomorrow." I said to Lucas.

He looked offended, but I wasn't worried about that. I just walked past them all and went upstairs to my bathroom.

I took my shirt off and started cleaning my wound. I tried stitching it up myself, but I couldn't. Lucas came in and closed the door behind him.

He walked over without saying anything and started stitching up my shoulder for me. I bit my tongue to fight back the pain.

Tears filled my eyes, but I wasn't looking at Lucas for him to know. "Done." He said softly.

"Thanks." I muttered as I put a clean shirt on. Lucas grabbed my chin and saw the tears in my eyes.

He looked hurt that I was hurt. He pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. My head buried in his chest, and I started sobbing.

"That was supposed to be you. If you got hurt.." I muttered as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Im only hurt because I let you get hurt. Everyone okay, we're just worried about you." He said softly.

"You're a softie when you want to be." I chuckled. I looked up at him, and he rolled his eyes while smiling.

I loved his smile. It made everything so much better. I love how he was so gentle and kind in these types of situations, even if that's not how he normally acts.

That night, Rain, Blake, Jay, and Lucas left. Not even two minutes after they left, Lucas came back and climbed into bed with Jessica and I.

Jessica fell asleep, so Lucas pushed her out of bed. "Really?" I chuckled.

He hugged me tightly from behind and kissed my head as we both fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke up to my dad walking in. It woke us all up. He shot his head to Lucas and I.

"No. No. No." He repeated. "If you two are in this rooms, there's none of that, and the door stays open." He said firmly.

"She almost died." Jessica pointed out. My dad sighed and allowed it just for today.

"Um, I'm guessing they'll hear about this anyway. Your mum is on a plane. She's coming to live here with us." He said.

My heart skipped a beat hearing that, but I still nodded. My dad left, and Lucas started kissing me. Jessica started fake gagging.

"Is there anything you want me to do?" Lucas asked.

"Go politely kick Marcus and the others out so I don't have to." I replied with a small smile.

"On it, darling." He kissed my head and walked out.

Jessica jumped back on my bed, and I pulled up a lap top. "Do you want to live with me?" I asked. Her eyes lit up as she quickly nodded.

"Right, we need a house with three bedrooms, a big garden, and a place for my cars and bikes." I said. I handed her the laptop.

I rested my head on her shoulder as we started looking through houses. We found a perfect one, and she started messaging them.

She gave them my bank details and we actually had our own house. I organised for all my bikes to get put their. Jessica and I quickly got dressed so we could go shopping.

We ran downstairs. Lucas had kicked the others out. "Where you two going?" He asked us.

"Kiss each other goodbye and tell him you'll see him tonight when he comes over." Jessica said, walking out.

Lucas looked at me confused. "I can't handle living with my mum, and I'm not kicking Jessica out. So I bought a house." I said.

"And you'll need a strong boyfriend to carry stuff for you and build stuff." He said with a smile as he lifted my chin up.

"Mhm, if only I had a boyfriend." I teased.

"Mhm." He kissed me. "But seriously, you have a bad arm. I'll do whatever you ask for the day." He said softly.

"Fine, but you're the one telling Jessica that you're coming." I chuckled. He nodded happily and took my good hand as we walked out.

This is exactly what I needed. My own space with a trusted friend, where no one knows I live.

Jessica and I dragged Lucas around shops after shops looking for the perfect things.

We drove to the house in one of my range rovers, so there was enough space to fit stuff in the car. We got to the house and it was beautiful.

It was isolated. A beach down at the back of the house and the garden was all gated off and absolutely massive. In the back garden, there was a pool and a hot tub.

My cars and bikes all got transferred here, and it was going amazing. Within the first couple of houses, all downstairs was furnished.

Jay and Blake sorted all the electrics out. We had cctv, electrical gates, all the tvs. Rain and Lucas were helpful with carrying and building things.

We found out it was a six bedroom house instead of a three. We looked back at the messages to see why it was a six when we asked for a three. Jessica typed in the wrong number.

It was too late now. It had already been bought, and the house was practically perfect.

Jessica had gone food and makeup shopping while the boys were building things. "I'm going out for something." I said.

I was about to open the front door, but Lucas closed it. "Where?" He asked.

"It's a surprise." I said with an innocent smile.

"If you aren't back in an hour, then I'm calling the police and saying you're missing." He said firmly. I nodded and he kissed my head.

I got in my range rover and drove off, I was so exited about this one.

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