Chapter 20.

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Jayden came and took the kids and Marcus. I knew they'd be safe. Blake took the kids' phones, and we went back to the house.

We stood around the kitchen while Blake and Jay started typing on their computer to track the location of the calls.

"If you think about it. Why would they go after Marcus's brother? He isn't an orphan, and all the other kids were. Which gave them no choice if they wanted a life." Jessica asked.

"To get close to Elena. If there was a picture of you, then clearly your their goal, and you're pregnant, which means you're in danger. You can't be helping us with this." Rain explained.

They all looked at me while I didn't have a choice. I folded my arms across my chest. "I know more than any of you on this, and if it comes down to it, I'll agree to trade myself for the kids, and they'd take it. I'll leave my location on, and Jayden can come in with cops." I suggested.

They all looked at me like I was crazy. "You can get involved from a safe distance." Lucas said firmly. They agreed.


I called my mum and dad to come over, claiming it was an emergency. They rushed over and walked in. They looked at us confused.

"The human trafficking when I was a kid. What do you know about it?" I asked.

My mum looked mad. "I know your dad ran the whole thing. It's been shut down now that he's dead." She stated.

"Only, it's back open, and there's no doubt in my mind that they aren't doing to to get Elena." Lucas said.

My mum didn't look too surprised, which worried me. "You know something." I muttered.

"Elena, don't do this. We've been in this situation before. There's only one man in charge of this." My dad said firmly.

"Tom is dead. I killed him myself." Rain snapped.

I continued looking at my mum. "We found the place. Let's go." Blake said. The boys went to walk out, but I grabbed Lucas and pulled him back.

"You're unbelievable." I scoffed.

"Sweetie, it isn't like that. Truth is, I'm not your real mum. Tom saw something in you, and he took you from your real parents, and we claimed you as ours." She blurted out.

"Wait, what?!" Lucas raised his voice.

"So that's why we couldn't find anything of you when you were little." Blake realised.

I then figured something out. "They are after me. You knew he'd come after me. You miraculously come here. You said you were in the hospital, but you seem well."

"That is werid." My dad said, stepping back. "You've been acting shady and messaging some random people!" He shouted.

I went over to my mum and stabbed a needle in her neck. It was a sleeping thing the vets left for dogs. She fainted, and her head dropped onto the counter.

I moved her hair and saw the same tattoo behind her ear. "I hate to tell you this, but your fiance is trying to kill me, and now she knows where I live." I sighed.

Rain and my dad tied my "mum" to a chair so when she woke up she couldn't do anything. I took her phone out of her pocket and smashed it.

"How are we supposed to find out who she was messaging now?" Blake asked.

"Call your airlines and see if she even got on that plane." I said to my dad. He sat on the counter and called them. He put it on speaker so we could all hear.

She never got on that plane.

"This doesn't make any sense." Lucas muttered. They were all looking lost, but it made sense to me.

I called Jayden and put it on speaker. "Elena? Are you okay? What's going on?" He asked.

"We need a miracle, that's what." I sighed. "Look, I need you to come to the house, bring the kids, and Marcus. Tell him to get Raven and the others here as well." I said and ended the call.

"What's going on?" Lucas asked.

"I'll explain when you get here, also your fucking baby is a kicker." I muttered while holding my stomach.

Lucas hugged me from behind until Jayden got here. He brought them all inside and put guns on the counter. "Put these on." He threw black body suits to Lucas and the others.

They all went into the living room and came back in with the outfits on. "I hate this so much." I muttered. I hated seeing Lucas in that. He felt like my enemy.

"What's the plan?" Jayden asked. He put a map on the table.

"These are the offices." I said, circling some around the city. There were only three. I circled the docks, which were just out of town. "That's where we are going."

"Elena. Your babies are kicking, you need rest, and it's dangerous." Jessica stated.

Jayden and my dad eyes widened to me. "They won't kill me." I muttered.

"We sneak in, Jessica, and I will be wearing masks. Marcus and the others can just be stand by men. Just in case anything goes down. Lucas and the others can drag Jessica and I around as if we're just some women. Who is misbehaving." I explained.

"So we get in, and then what?" Jay asked.

"I can get squat teams to go raid the offices so theirs less men and I can get officers all around the docks ready to come in and shoot everyone." Jayden added.

I nodded. "Lucas, Jay, Rain, and Blake can drag Jessica into with the other kids and women. You guys get them back to this house and stay here with them." I said firmly.

"I'm not going to fucking leave you!" Lucas said sounding the most serious he's ever said.

"You have to. I'll be with my dad and Jayden. They can drag me up to the main place. From there, we kill Tom and make sure he stays dead." I explained.

Their eyes all widened. "When I kill someone their supposed to say fucking dead." Rain said angrily.

"Darling, please. If he really is alive, he shot you before. He wanted you dead. He will kill you." Lucas pleaded.

"We will all be wearing bullet-proof jackets. We will protect her, I won't let her die when she's got a fucking baby coming." Jayden said.

Lucas was worried, but he nodded and just accepted it. "We can come in with you. We know how to use guns." One of the kids said.

"No, because if this doesn't work, then at least you kids are alive." Rain said. We all looked at him noticed his soft side coming out. He rolled his eyes and flipped us off.

Lucas hugged me tightly. "Just please be careful." He muttered. I nodded.

"Do you kids not have anywhere to go?" I asked, stepping back and looking at them. They all shook their heads. "I promise you boys aren't leaving this house unless you have a good family." And I mean that. Even if I die.

They all hugged me, and it was so adorable. I saw Lucas smiling at me. "You really will be a good mum." My dad said softly.

Maybe they were right. I didn't have to be like my "mum." As long as my baby doesn't die, I don't care.

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