Chapter 2.

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That night, I wore a black bikers suit and put my hood up as I snuck out of my window and jumped down the side of the house.

I ran to the next block and started walking. Lucas and the others pulled up next to me. "I said I'd pick you up, didn't I?" Lucas said with a smirk.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Unless a princess like you is scared? Or don't you want people to know you're with us." He chuckled.

He gestured for me to grab the helmet, and I accepted. I got on the back of him. "As far as you're aware after tonight, you never saw me." I said firmly.

"Sure, princess. Will you need a ride home?" He asked. I shook my head. Lucas grabbed my hands and forced me to wrap my arms around him.

"Who's taking you home? It's not safe out with a little harmless girl like you." He pointed out.

"I can take care of myself." I muttered.

"We're dropping you off. Get over it." Rain said firmly. Lucas started driving, and we all went.

They can say they are going to drop me off all they want. As soon as we get there they won't see me again. I have a plan.

We got their and I was surprised to see how many people were there. I got off Lucas's bike, and he pulled me close into him by my helmet.

"We will be keeping an eye on you. Anyone gives you trouble, you come find us, okay?" He asked.

I nodded and took the helmet off. "Thanks for the ride." I said, walking away.

I didn't intend on riding or anything. I just wanted to admire the competition. I sat at the side, but someone walked into me.

"Watch it." He spat.

"Excuse me? You walked into me." I spat back. He pushed me back, and I went falling, but someone caught me.

It was Lucas. I stood on my own two feet. Rain, Blake, and Jay all pushed the man to the floor.

He got up and shot his head to me. "So this is the new slut or something?" He asked.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, slut." He spat. Lucas stepped out and went to hit him, but I stepped in his way.

"Give me ten minutes, and I bet I could win against you." I challenged. The man grew a smile on his lips. Lucas and the others shot their heads to me.

"It's your funeral. Be at the starting line in ten. If not, I'll get the manager to kick your ass out of here. It's not a place for you." He argued and walked off.

"He's tied with Lucas on the best racer here. He plays dirty. That man would kill you out there." Rain said.

"And you don't even have a bike." Blake pointed out.

"Why are you guys so negative? And you didn't have to help me." I muttered.

"Well, we did. Now, call out of this race before you get yourself killed." Lucas said coldly.

I turned to him. "No, you guys know nothing about me. Don't assume something because of my dad." I said nudging past Lucas and I went inside the warehouse.

I managed to find the manager, and I explained a long ass story. He ended up loving me and I ran to get my bikes in the warehouse next to it.

I was so lucky they were so close. I got my ducati panigale V4 R and a spare black helmet I had.

I quickly went to the racing line, and the man who challenged me looked shocked. I even turned up. "Good luck." He chuckled.

"Won't need it." I stated.

The gun went off, and the race had started. I didn't go. He did but then stopped. "What are you doing?!" He shouted.

"Giving you a head start. You'll need it." I chuckled. The man refused to go until I went, so I did, and I over took him massively.

Not too far in, he caught up to me and tried knocking me off my bike. I sped forward, but he crashed into me, and we both went flying off.

I banged my head, and it was killing me. The man had already got up with a smirk and set off. I quickly dragged myself up and got on my bike. I went as fast as the bike would go.

He was almost at the finish line, but I got past him and won. "Looks like we have a new winner." The manager laughed.

"Good game." The man said driving off.

I moved myself and my bike to the side, and I took my helmet off and held my head in my hands, hoping it would stop hurting.

Rain, Jay, and Blake all came and stood around me. Lucas sat next to me. "You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I muttered abruptly.

"What happened back there?" Jay asked.

"He crashed into me, and we both went off track." I replied.

"He a fucking asshole." Lucas stated. "Did you bang your head?" He said, checking my head for cuts.

"I'm good, I need to get going." I said, getting up. Lucas got up with me and was about to say something, but someone beat him to it.

"You had a nasty accident back there. No doubt in my mind, do you have a concussion." The man that I just raced laughed as he came over.

"Don't ever fucking touch her like that again." Lucas said squaring up to the man. They both looked pissed.

"Lucas, leave it." I muttered. I got on my bike, but Jay grabbed my face.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked. I looked at his fingers and counted.

"Eight?" I asked. He let my face go and looked at Lucas with a small laugh.

"Yeah, she has a concussion." He stated. I rolled my eyes and drove off before any of them could say anything.

I felt my eyes dozing off, and I knew I couldn't do this. I put my bike in my warehouse and started walking back instead.

I even kept my helmet on so no one else could see me. Not even minutes later, Lucas pulled up on the curve in front of me.

"Get on the bike, Elena." He said coldly.

"No. You guys are the type to have any excuse for a fight. I told you I was walking from the start." I blurted out.

I went to walk past him, but he grabbed me and pulled me into him. My hand went on his thigh by accident. I quickly moved it off.

"I'll pick you up and throw you on, or you can make this easy, and I'll drop you off at home." He said firmly.

I didn't want to make it difficult, so I got on his bike. Then reality hit me. I never told them where I lived, and they still know.

That's weird as fuck, but I'm too concussed to say anything about it.

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