Chapter 4.

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Lucas's pov:

Who does that girl think she is? It's cute the way she tried avoiding us. Little did she know we were right behind her, wherever she went.

We weren't psychotic. She's a vulnerable woman, and I'm making sure she knows who she belongs to.

She is mine. I've known her for a week and she's mine. I don't care what she says. She didn't want me to go down on her, and she still enjoyed it.

I can tell she's got a fucked up family and some secrets. Luckily, we're smart.

Jay is our tracker. Blake is our technical genius. Rain is the one who will cause harm, and I'm the one who will be there for her.

Punish her if she does anything bad. If she let's another man touch her, I'd deliver his hands to her window. If she fucked any other man I'd fuck her better that any other could ever do.

I missed her fucking skin. It was so soft. The way she tasted. It was so fucking sweet. The girl has an attitude, but I can handle her.

It's quite obvious she obeys at my touch, even if it takes a minute because her stubborn ass overthinks things. But I love that about her.

The idea of her touching another man makes me lose my mind, and the idea of her touching me would make me lose my self-respect.

Fuck sake. I could satisfy myself for hours just thinking about her. The way she smiles. Her bright ocean blue eyes. Her silky long raven black hair. Her curves. Her thighs. Fuck. Her thighs.

If she only knew what we did for her. We had fucking cameras in her house. Voice remotes. We heard everything. It pissed me off she called me her boyfriend, and I can tell she's now on a hunt for an actual one.

Why doesn't she just ask me to be her fake one?! Even if I'd make it more real than fake.

I'm guessing just because we had unmatchable chemistry. Once she's had enough of me, she wouldn't be able to stop.

She said she had a job, yet she never went to one. It made us think we missed something, but we couldn't have.

I had some sleepless nights as I watched her. The way she slept was so peaceful. It would have been so much fucking better in my arms.

"Yo, Lucas! Look at this!" Blake shouted.

I went to our office in our house. We saw Elena and a man through cameras in her room. I turned the sound up so we could hear them.

"You don't own me, Jace!" She raised her voice, but I could sense her sadness. Even though a screen.

The man grabbed her and threw her on the bed. That was enough for us. We all stormed out and got on our bikes.

Blake locked her dad and whoever out of the cctv system while we went up to the house. Her dad wasn't home, and it was too late for the maids to be awake or here.

We went to her bedroom and I pushed him off her. It was fun at first, but then I saw tears rolling down her cheeks. She wasn't allowed to be that upset.

"Leave." Rain said to the man.

"Elena, who the fuck are these assholes?!" He raised his voice at her.

"Just leave." She muttered with a broken voice. She knows we could do damage to this man, and it wouldn't end pretty.

"Jace, was it? Raise your voice to her again." I dared.

The dumb fuck went to grab her but Jay pushed him away from her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room, closing the boys in with Jace.

She looked at me quite scared. I cupped her face and wiped the fallen tears off her cheeks. We heard the boys grunting while they beat Jace to a pulp.

"He hurt you. Don't let someone hurt you, and this wouldn't happen." I said kindly.

She was about to say something but we both heard her dad come home. I grabbed her hand and covered her eyes as we went back into her room.

I pressed my spare hand against her stomach and pulled her body into mine as my other hand kept on her eyes so she couldn't see this mess.

"Her dad's home. Clean this mess up." I said coldly. They did as I said, but there was a knock at the door.

I moved my hands off Elenas's eyes, and she was Rain holding a gun up to Jaces chest. "Answer the door, princess." I said firmly.

Her hands were shaking as she answered the door. She only left it slightly open so her dad couldn't see any of this.

"Need something?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm leaving for a few days. Business. Bye." The man muttered and left.

Elena closed the door and looked back at Rain holding the gun to Jace. "Elena, I'm sorry. Tell your boyfriends to calm down." He said with a shaky voice.

"Boyfriends? You'd be mistaken to take her for a girl that deserved to be shared." I said coldly.

"D-dont kill him." Elena muttered. Rain stepped back from him with a smirk.

"As the lady wishes. Touch her like that again, and you don't get any more warnings." Jay warned him.

Jace went running out, and we all turned to Elena. "Y-you guys have all been following me?" She asked.

"Was someone else supposed to be following you?" I asked abruptly.

She looked at her hands. "Fuck this." She muttered. She went running out of the room, and we all gave her a five seconds head start.

We fucking loved a chase.

I heard her footsteps creeping downstairs, and she went running to the door, but Jay blocked it off.

She tried walking back to the living room, but Rain blocked it off. Blake blocked off the other door. I sat on the stairs, watching her.

"What do you want?! I haven't done anything." She stated, trying to put in a bold tone.

"Oh, no, no, no. You only get punished if you let another man touch you, which is exactly what you did. If you weren't here, we would have cut his hands off." I said with a smirk.

"You sound psychotic." She spat. I stood up and walked over to her. She backed herself against the wall.

"We haven't hurt you. We wouldn't hurt you. We're simply just protecting you." I said softly.

"From what? You assholes are the ones following me." She muttered innocently.

I lifted her chin up and forced her to look at me. "You'll be all alone for the next few days. Pick what you do wisely, princess." I said.

"We will see you very soon." Jay said with a smirk. I could tell she didn't like this, but she'd get used to it.

"One last thing. Ever let a boy like that step foot near you and ill force him to watch as I fuck you." I warned.

She swollied her throat and watched as we all walked out again.

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