Chapter 14.

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When I woke up, I was naked in my bed. Someone was hugging me from behind, and I turned my head to see it was Lucas naked as well.

I'm just happy it wasn't someone else. I nudged Lucas to make sure he was actually alive.

Lucas woke up and saw we were both naked. "We fucked?" He asked.

"I don't remember." I muttered. I could tell he didn't either. We both got dressed and went downstairs.

We walked in the kitchen and saw Rain with a bruise on his cheek like he was punched.

"What happened?" Lucas asked.

"You guys were playing truth or dare. Rain made out with Elena, and you punched him for touching her." Jay explained with a laugh.

"Ew. No offence." I said disgusted.

"Served him right." Lucas muttered.

"Then you two got in a fight because you wouldn't stop touching Elena. Till you both admitted you loved each other and then went upstairs to fuck." Blake explained.

Lucas and I both looked at each other quite surprised. Neither of us remembers that. "I think her admitting she loves me would sober me up." Lucas said.

"We thought you'd say that." Jessica chuckled. She got out her phone and showed us a video of us arguing and then just randomly making around and stopping to say we loved each other.

"Well, well, well." Lucas chuckled. I nudged him to shut him up and went to get myself a cup of water.

"We were drunk." That was my excuse.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts." Blake pointed out. I rolled my eyes and refused to believe I said that.

Even if I knew I would have, because that's exactly what I thought. I knew I loved him, I was just scared of admitting i loved another man since my ex.

"Also, I fed the dogs, but then they ran out the gates." Jessica said. I almost choked on my water when she said that.

"Assholes, you didn't go looking for them?! They aren't exactly friendly, and someone would get them put down." Lucas said abruptly.

I walked towards the door. "Where we going?" Lucas asked.

"The beach." I said. Lucas and I walked down to the beach together. We couldn't see them anywhere.

I started to freak out. "What if they get hurt?" I asked. Lucas cupped my face to calm me down.

"We will find them. Don't worry." He reassured. I nodded, and we continued searching the beach.

Lucas and I both heard some glass shattering sounds. We followed the sounds and saw some teenage boys throwing things at Rex and another dog.

I went up to the dogs, and Lucas pushed a kid to the floor. "Lucas. Their just kinds." I muttered. He still didn't look impressed.

"Didn't your mother's ever teach you respect?" Lucas asked them. Jessica came up, and she took both dogs back to the house.

One of the kids pulled out a gun. "Dad!" He shouted. Some men came out of the big warehouse holding guns. Lucas pushed me behind him.

"There a problem here?" The man asked.

"Your son needs to learn some respect, and my darling here wants her dog back." Lucas said calmly. They all raised guns to us.

"Wait. Wait. You're the man who does dog fighting. You were on the news." I stepped out from Lucas and put my hand out. "I'd like to buy Bullet back, and if you wouldn't mind, it would be an honour to bet on some of the dogs." I said kindly.

The man accepted my hand, and everyone lowered their guns. "Bullet is fighting tonight. If he wins, you can have him for free. Come watch the show." He offered.

I fucking hated this man.

"I'd love to. However, I'd like to see the dogs beforehand. I'm making sure I bet on the right dogs." I claimed. The man nodded.

"Follow me, Miss. You men get back to the fighting stage." He ordered. Lucas and I followed the man into the warehouse and saw all the dogs.

There must have been around a hundred, and it broke my heart seeing some of them injured and not getting any help.

I saw Bullet and was about to go out to him, but the man stepped in front of me. Lucas pushed me back a little. I could tell he was pissed about this.

"We'd like this address for the fight." Lucas said.

"It's the warehouse across. There's a cage in the middle that the dogs fight at. You two can sit with me for the night. Assuming I know your father. He helps out with this stuff." The man said to me.

My heart stopped. What type of monsters would run an illegal dog fight?!

"Then you know of my worth. I shall ask then. Are these the only dogs you have?" I asked.

"There's some in the warehouse." He started walking to a German shepherd. "This here is Oscar. Our number one fighting dog." He pointed out.

The dog had bandages all over his legs, a scar across his eye. He looked like he was about to die.

Tears filled my eyes, but I bit it back. "It will be a pleasure working with you. What's the times?" I asked.

"9'oclock tonight." He said. I nodded. Lucas and I walked out. He hugged me as soon as we got through them doors.

"Im going to kill them." Lucas said blatantly. I pulled back and wiped my eyes.

"I have an idea." I muttered. Lucas looked amused, and we went back to the house.

"Boys. There's an illegal dog fighting place at the end of the beach. They've got Elenas dog." Lucas said. The boys immediately rushed to the kitchen.

"Fuck yeah, can we kill someone?" Rain asked.

"I need you guys to threaten my dad, and I need Blake to hack his computer and make him pull out the dog fighting thing." I said. They seemed pretty happy about that.

"Lucas and I will go inside and sit with the man who's doing this. Can you guys get all the dogs to this house? And yes, Rain. You can kill anyone in the way." I chuckled.

"Fuck yeah. I love this plan." He chuckled.

"After, Rain comes up. I excuse myself to the bathroom, and the two of us go see if there are any more dogs. If there is, Jay and Blake will wait outside, and we will get the dogs to them. When the dogs are safe, Jessica calls the police and it gets busted." I explained.

"What about Bullet? He's going to end up fighting, Darling." Lucas warned.

I sighed. "I know, but let's just hope it doesn't come to that, and we do this before then." I muttered.

They all agreed. "Just no killing teenagers. Lock them in cages if you have to." I said firmly. Rain groaned but nodded.

That man has a serious killing problem.

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