Chapter 31.

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It was Christmas Eve. I was beyond protective of people going in the garage. I wouldn't let anyone even go near it. I don't care if they were dying. No one is ruining this.

I sent Lucas's mum some flowers and a card that Derek wrote to them. The kids were in the living room watching a Christmas movie.

Lucas and I were in the kitchen with Jay, Blake, Jessica, and Rain. The two of them were staying the night and wouldn't be drinking.

Most of the day, Jessica and I cooked, so we didn't have to do much on Christmas morning. So far, everything was perfect.

The boys went upstairs for something which I found oddly werid, but that meant Jessica and I could talk.

"So, what have you got, Lucas?" She asked.

"He will see tomorrow." I replied. No one knew what I was doing. What makes this even worse is that I forgot about my own dad.

"Shit. What do I do?! I forgot my dad." I blurted out. I felt horrible.

The boys came back downstairs, and Lucas looked as worried as I felt. "What's up?" I asked.

"He's freaking out over your present, but I think it's actually sweet. Considering it is Lucas." Jay chuckled.

"Haha. Very funny." Lucas said sarcastically. He put his hand on my lower back.

"It doesn't matter, but I'm still serious about you being wrapped in wrapping paper and being my present." I laughed.

Lucas lifted my chin up and kissed me. "You have no chance in hell, am I doing that." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Can you watch the kids? I kind of forgot my dad, and he's turning up tomorrow." I said.

"I'll go with her." Jessica gladly volunteers.

Lucas nodded and kissed my head. Jessica and I left, and we got my dad some small gifts. It didn't take too long. The man was simple. If it's about cars, he's happy.

That night, I made the boys all sleep together. Lucas and the boys helped me do Jay's room. He had led lights going around his walls. It's a cool gaming setup. Some arcade machines and he had some other details to his room.

I made the boys help me put a gaming set up in all the other boys' rooms as well, just because they all like gaming, and I thought it was nice.

I made them all go to bed while Jessica and I set all the wrapped up pressed in piles for each kid and adult.

Jessica looked at me like I was crazy when she took a step back and realised how much I had done, but she understood that it was the kids' first Christmas. I wanted to make it the best.

The next morning, Lucas and I woke up to Derek jumping on us. "Wake up, sleepy heads!" He said.

"Go wake your brothers, sisters, auntie, and uncles up." Lucas groaned.

Derek left, and I kissed Lucas until he was fully awake. He grabbed my chin and kissed me back at one point. Then, he proceeded to make out with me as he climbed on top of me.

Someone threw a pillow at him, forcing him to pull away. We both looked at saw it was Jessica. "I'd go downstairs before your kids end up killing themselves." She chuckled.

Lucas and I finally got up and went downstairs. "It's 5 in the morning!" Lucas and I both pointed out at the same time.

He really wasn't a morning person, let alone an early morning person. He got himself a coffee to wake himself up.

When he walked into the living room, his jaw dropped. "Darling? I- since - when did you?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. I handed Rain a box, and for once, he looked excited as he opened it. "I'm so killing someone with this!" He said.

Of course, he would say that.

"You boys, especially Theo, have things in your rooms as well." Lucas said. The boys all went racing upstairs.

I took Lucas, Jay, and Blake into the garage and showed them their new motorbikes. "Holy shit. Thanks, princess." Jay said as he kissed my cheek.

Jay and Blake went to try out their new bikes. I noticed Lucas smiling at me. "What?" I asked with a small laugh.

He cupped my face and kissed me again. "Considering were doing presents. Here." He reached into his pocket and got out a box.

I opened the box and saw it was a bracelet. It had the initial L on it and all my favourite things. I hugged him tightly.

"I love it." I could tell them words gave him some relief. "Now, don't get mad at me, but your presents are in the kitchen near the table." I stated.

He looked at me, confused about why he'd be mad at me. We walked back inside, and the kids all hugged Lucas and I.

"Thank you!" They all said. They were so grateful, I loved it.

Lucas went into the kitchen, Cole and I sat on the sofa as I set up an app on his phone. It was a banking app. He saw the total amount, and his jaw dropped.

"Mum, that says half a million dollars!" He pointed out.

"Yes? Spend it wisely. I just felt bad that you're the oldest, and you've been helpful, and we didn't know what to get you." I chuckled. He hugged me, and I gladly hugged him back.

I walked into the kitchen, and Lucas pulled me into him as he kissed me. "And how exactly did you know what size my finger was?" He asked with a teasing smile.

I smiled back at him, knowing we both knew the answer to that. "One more thing." I muttered.

I moved the hoodie off my neck and showed him my tattoo. He moved my hair out the way, and his fingers ran across it.

"I think I found my new favourite place to kiss." He chuckled. "I thought you said you wouldn't get that?" He asked.

"It felt right. Plus, I like it." I shrugged. He smiled at me and kissed me again.

"Ew." Theo mocked. Lucas shot his head to him, and Theo laughed. He walked up to Lucas and I and hugged us. "You didn't have to go this far, but thank you." He said softly.

I pulled back and looked around the room for Stella and Kiara. They weren't anywhere. "W-Wheres the girls?" I asked.

Lucas and Theo both looked around. Stella came rushing down, looking panic. "Mum, it's Kiara!" She said. Lucas went to come with me, but Stella didn't want him to.

Stella took me to the bathroom, and I saw Kiara crying because she accidentally cut her hair. "I-im sorry, we thought it would look good." She muttered.

"Hand me the scissors. This is fixable." I claimed. She did as I said, and I started cutting her hair.

I cut it just up to her shoulders and gave her some layers and curtains. I'm just glad the girls used actual hair scissors and not some random dodgy ones.

"There." I said, looking at her in the mirror. Stella and her looked compelled.

"Since when were you a hair dressed?" Stella asked with a small laugh.

"I've done everything. Make-up artist, hair dressed, stripper, mechanic, racer. Everything." I chuckled. Their eyes widened at the word stipper. "Let's not mention that. Lucas isn't the happiest about it." The two of them nodded, and we went back downstairs.

I loved seeing everyone so happy. They were always happy, but this was more of a grateful happy, and I adored it.

I sat in the kitchen feeding Enzo and Flynn in my arms. Lucas and in and sat with me. "The kids helped me feed the dogs, and I still don't like the fact you didn't let me get anything for your birthday, so I'll be a second." Lucas explained as he walked out.

Jay came and took one of the twins off me. He had a stupid smile on his face. "Um, Elena. I killed Lucas." Rain said, coming in. We all went outside and burst out laughing.

Lucas was laid on the floor like a worm with wrapped paper around him. It's cute he tried, and I still gave him a kiss for it. He wouldn't let me not.

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