Chapter 26.

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Lucas and I went for food the next morning, and we didn't want to go home yet. Instead, we went to high school, right on time.

They were all coming out, and everyone was staring at mine and Lucas's bikes. Awh. I'm not a rich bitch, but I'd love to be with if it meant these assholes would choke on my leftovers.

Theo and Cole both rode up to us. "Where's your brother?" Lucas asked.

I spotted Tyler coming out with some other boys pushing him around. Tyler saw us and ran over but looked disappointed in himself.

"I bet your mums a -" I took my helmet off, and the kids' jaw dropped. "Milf." He drooled.

"What did you just say about our mum?" Theo asked abruptly.

"Nothing! Yo Tyler. You're cool. My bad, the way we treated you." The kid said and walked off. Tyler looked at me, confused.

"What just happened?" He asked.

"That's the fun of having young fit parents." Lucas laughed. Tyler looked disgusted as he went to get him bike. His face made me laugh.

The five of us went for a ride around, but Lucas tried showing off by racing us. I sped far ahead of them and had to wait for the idiots.

Lucas rolled his eyes as soon as he saw me. "Show off." He chuckled.

"Don't start what you can't finish." I laughed, and we all rode back to the house.

We went to the back garden and saw the kids playing, but no fucking adults were here. My babies, our fucking babies, were left in a fucking cot alone.

Lucas and I both picked one of the twins up each. They were both beyond their feeding times. Lucas held them both in his arms as he fed them.

I was pissed. We both were. Then I realised. "Kids. Come here." I said. The kids all came inside, and we only had thirteen here.

"Where's Derek?!" I asked. He was one of our fucking youngest and he's not here. No one is.

Before anyone could answer Rain and the others, including my dad, came in looking worried. "You left the kids alone!" Lucas raised his voice.

"W-Wheres Derek?" I asked with a stutter.

"He went missing around an hour ago. We can't find him." Jay said ashamedly.

I started freaking out, and Lucas put our babies to sleep. "Relax. We will find him. I'll go look for him." Lucas reassured.

"We can go as well." Theo said. I shook my head and messaged someone.

I started biting my nails as I waited for a reply back. Tears filled my eyes as he replied.

"Tom's in jail. He's managed to live being stabbed and shot. Jayden said he made a call earlier, but it was in some random code." I blurted out.

The kids all looked terrified. Lucas cupped my face. "We will go to the police station and talk to him." He said softly.

"We can keep the kids inside and make sure no one gets in or out until you get back." Jessica suggested.

"Don't leave my kids again." I said firmly. They all looked ashamed, and I didn't even feel bad.

"I'm coming. Rain taught me how to use a gun. You can't expect us not to do anything while you guys are out finding Derek." Theo said.

"You three, cmon. Keep an eye on the kids. For real this time." Lucas said coldly to my dad and the others.

The five of us quickly went to the car, and Lucas started speeding to the police station. "Whatever happens, you three stay with one of us two. Okay?" I made very clear.

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