Chapter 30.

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The kids were all getting ready. Jay and Blake drove the younger ones. It was their last day before winter break for Christmas.

I was planning on decorating today, but before the kids could go to school, there was a knock on the door.

Nor Lucas or I knew who it could have been. We answered the door, a woman and a man stood there. We immediately recognised them.

"We're here for Theo. You must be the new so-called parents." The woman said as she looked us up and down.

"We dont appreciate you turning up to our home and messaging OUR son. You are under spasific rules to keep away from him, and for good reason." I said calmly.

The man scoffed. "Your son? None of them are. Do a blood test, and you'll see." He spat.

I looked at Lucas, and he had completely snapped. Lucas pulled the man in and pushed him against the wall with a gun to his chest.

The kids, including Theo, were on the stairs, watching. "Lucas." I tried warning, but he genuinely had lost it.

"Never bad mouth my family again. They are OUR kids. If you are here for Theo, when's his birthday? What does he hate? What does he love? You know fuck all about him!" Lucas raised his tone.

"He's my blood! As if you think you can take kids in as if they'd treat you like family! Family is blood!" The man shouted.

"They are my family. Don't ever come near OUR son again. You lost that fucking privilege when you left him. He's a great kid like the others, and none of them deserve to be bouncing from family to family. If he wants to see you, he can do that in his own time. Come near my family again, and I have plenty of bullets for your limbs." Lucas threatened.

He pushed the man out, and I closed the door. I don't know why but I found that so fucking attractive. That is exactly why I love him.

Theo ran up to him and hugged him. Lucas looked shocked but gladly hugged him back. "You're the best dad ever." Theo muttered.

My heart was melting. "You guys want the day off? I could use some help putting up some Christmas decorations?" I questioned.

They all looked really happy and ran to get the Christmas decorations. I hugged Lucas. "I love you." I said.

He hugged me back and kissed my head. "I love you." He whispered back. "You guys really do mean everything to me." He added.

We all blasted Christmas music and started decorating the house. Lucas went out to get some food. When he came back, it was all done. All we're missing is the tree, but the younger ones can do that together.

"It's like a wonderland." Lucas chuckled as he sent the food on the table.

He hugged me from behind, and I stole one of his chips. Every girl can agree with me that their boyfriends food tastes better than the girlfriends for some psychological reason.

"How did you two meet?" Cole asked us.

I almost started choking as soon as he said that. Imagine telling our kids we met because he stalked me, and then wouldn't let me leave him.

"Your uncles and I worked at Elenas dad's garage. She came over one day, and we started being friends from there." Lucas explained.

"Friends with benefits more like." Tyler joked. They all laughed, even Lucas. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"Hey, dad. Where's your parents?" Kiara asked. I didn't think Lucas would answer.

"Actually, my mums moving down here near us so she can be with you all. Derek and the twins have already met her." He explained.

"Is she one of them crazy old ladies or a nice one?" Lila asked.

"Lila!" I said warningly to point out how rude that sounded. "And actually, she's helped the twins and Derek. She's a nice woman." I replied.

"And before you ask, my dad is too busy with work stuff. You might meet him once, but don't be disappointed when he leaves. It's nothing personal." Lucas explained.

I'm glad he was being honest with them. I wouldn't want to die to them for the rest of their lives. I'm so glad the kids understand this stuff.

Jay and Blake came back with the younger ones. They all looked excited at the Christmas lights. They started adding decorations to the tree, and the older ones went to help them.

"They stayed home?" Jay asked.

They sat around, and Lucas told them everything that had happened with Theos parents. Jay and Blake looked proud of him.

That night, the kids did their main Christmas presents that they wanted.

Lucas and I sat on our bed as we started ordering some of them online.

The twins - baby toys.
Derek - Toy train.
Taylor - Scooter.
Lizzy - Reborn doll.
Iris - Barbie and Ken set.
Sean - Scooter.
Aries - Video game.
Kiara - A cat?!
Lila - New Phone.
Stella -
Tyler - New Bike.
Theo -
Cole -

"There. We've got everything, but if them three don't want anything, what do we do?" Lucas asked.

"I'll get the girls' new makeup and clothes, but I can sort Stella a few things out. I don't know what boys like." I muttered.

"Don't ask me. I was killing people for my dad at age 7 with the boys." He chuckled.

"Okay, but seriously, it's Christmas in two weeks, and I still don't know what you want." I sighed.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. "I have you, and we're engaged. I don't need anything. What do you want? Or is this going to be a I don't like presents situation." He mocked.

I rolled my eyes and kissed him. "Find out what the boys want, and tell me what you want, or I'll just get you what I originally thought of. Plus, I've already got your sister, Rain, Jay, and Blake." I remarked.

He looked curious. "What did you get them?" He asked. I shrugged and turned the light off so we could go to sleep.

"I want a video of us fucking to get released so the whole world knows your mine." He said with a laugh, but we both knew it wasn't a joke.

He wrapped his arms around me as we both went to sleep. I knew what I was going to get, Lucas, and I also had an idea for Theo.

Theo - Redo his whole room with led lights and a gaming chair, and shit like that.
Rain - A new gun.
Jessica - A dress she's always wanted. She never bought it because it was too expensive, but I did.
Jay, Blake, and Lucas have new bikes I ordered.
And for Lucas, I'm also getting an L inital tattoo on the same place he got mine. Plus, I got him a rolex watch, and a ring.

I loved it. I just needed to know what to get Cole, and buy a few more things for everyone else.

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