Chapter 22.

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I woke up with the kids still asleep around me. I accidentally moved, and they woke up. It was early. Must have been around 6.42 am.

They all woke up and sat in the kitchen. They talked to me a lot. I found out their ages.

Tyler - 15.
Kia - 13.
Taylor - 9.
Derek - 5.
Lizzy - 10.
Aries - 14.
Theo - 16.
Sean - 11.
Cole - 16.
Iris- - 10.
Stella - 15.
Lila - 14.

5 girls - 7 boys.

Some of them weren't really kids. Which made everything a lot more helpful. I had the question I had to ask them. I asked them if they ever got made to do things. I'm so glad they said no.

I made them some food, and the twelve of us started figuring out if they had any families nearby or relatives.

We couldn't find anything. Blake came down, and since he's our technical genius, he tried figuring it out, but he couldn't find anything.

Lucas came down and hugged me from behind. "How are you feeling this morning?" He asked.

"If you guys like dogs, there's a full house of dogs outside." I said to the kids. They didn't waste a second to start running outside.

I turned around to Lucas. "What if we can't find their parents? They can't just go to random people. Not with what they've been through." I explained with tears in my eyes.

He lifted my chin up. "I don't understand what they've been through. Only you will know that. We won't let them go anywhere without your permission." He reassured.

Kia came in and looked scared. "C-Can I talk to Elena?" She asked with a shaky tone.

"Yeah, cmon." I said softly. She followed me upstairs and I took her into my room. She started crying.

I hugged her tightly. The poor girl got her period and didn't know what it was. I might have been out of place to explain everything to her, but if I didn't, no one else would.

We both went back downstairs, and she ran into the garden with a big smile. "What was that about?" Lucas asked.

"Girl things." I said. Lucas soon shut up and wouldn't dare ask about that. I respect him for that.

Rain and the others came down, and the boys started playing football in the garden.

I heard a knock on the door and I went to answer it. It was a woman and a police man.

"I'm with social services. You have kids here, and we're here to take them off your hands." She said with a sad look.

I turned my head and thought about the boys playing in the garden. "Um, is there any chance I can adopt them? If they don't have any family, I'd gladly accept them." I asked.

Her eyes lit up. "That would mean taking in 12 children. You'll need an extension or a bigger house. They cost a lot." Her jaw dropped.

"I'm a billionaire. I have 104 dogs, and I'm expecting anyway. Just please don't take them, Foster care isn't too nice." I pleaded.

The woman nodded. She handed me some paperwork. "Sign all that and come by with the children later. Just you." She said.

I nodded, and she walked out.

I didn't waste a second. I started the paperwork and I was finished within an hour. I put it in my bag and went downstairs.

I admired how good they all were with the kids. "I hate to break this up, but I'm sure you kids want to get out them clothes and go shopping." I chuckled.

Their eyes all lit up as they ran inside. "Want me to come with you?" Lucas asked.

I shook my head. "You can't, but I'm going to have to leave for a couple of hours with them." I admitted.

They all looked at me a little worried. "What are you going to do?" Rain asked.

"Go, but please be careful and call me if you need me." Lucas said as he walked up to me. He gave me a kiss, and I walked out.

I got the kids all in the car, which was a bit of a squish, but it was fine. We arrived at the social services place.

We got out of the car, and i turned to them all. "This is the social service place. Please don't take us back. They'll separate us!" Aries pleaded.

"Of course she will. She has her own kids coming." Tyler muttered disappointedly.

"Truth is, I'm a billionaire who has 104 dogs and just wants to adopt you kids. If they haven't found your families, I hope you'd all love to live with me?" I asked.

They all hugged me at once and agreed. We went inside, and the kids stood against the wall while I sat on the chair with the woman opposite the desk.

I handed her the paperwork.

"You're more than qualified. We couldn't find any parents or guardians, and their isn't a place for them anywhere." The woman explained.

"Do you kids want to live with Elena?" She asked them. They all immediately agreed. "Do you want to be the guardian of these children and take full responsibility?" She asked me.

I looked at the children and looked back at her. "I'd love to." It felt like a weight got lifted off my shoulders.

"Okay, let's figure this out. I've been looking and I found all the house." She showed me the house and it looked even better than our house.

"Lucas and you would share. Jessica and Rain. Jay and Blake. There's thirteen box rooms. One empty for your new baby. Big garden. It's gated off. It's already decorated like your house, and even better, there's a house for your dogs in the garden even bigger than before. And it's not near any of this chaos that has happened." She explained.

It sounded too good to be true. "How much is it?" I asked. She had a huge smile on her face.

"It's free. The public knew about it, and they all chipped in to pay for it. You're a role model, Elena." She handed me a piece of paper. "Sign your name and the kids, and the house is yours." She added.

I picked up the pen and signed it. "All the kids need now is clothes." She said.

I stood up, and all the kids hugged me again as I hugged them. I have fucking 12 kids and one coming.

We went shopping and got whatever they wanted. Paparazzi was pissing me off, but other than that, we got everything they needed.

We went to the new house, and the kids all picked their rooms with no arguing. They made this so easy, I loved it.

"Kids. Stay out of trouble. Theo and Tyler are in charge." Considering their the oldest.

I went back to the old house alone and walked into the house. They all looked sad that the kids weren't with me, and Jessica burst out crying.

"No. No. Do not tell me you got rid of them, kids!" She cried.

"I didn't." I reassured. They all looked at me confused. "I-i actually adopted them. We've got a new bigger house, it's already furnished like this house. I mean, it's up to you guys if you hate me now, but I couldn't leave the kids to go -" Jessica surprisingly hugged me.

But quickly pulled away. "Holy shit your getting a bump." She pointed out. Lucas came up behind me and put his hands on my stomach.

"How's this going to work? There's no way you squeezed 12 kids in the house. You have a baby coming, and we are." Jay questioned.

"The rooms have already been sorted. The kids have their own rooms. The house is gorgeous, and it's even bigger than this one. It's your guys' choice if you want to come." I explained.

"Well, I certainly aren't leaving." Lucas said as he kissed my cheek.

"And there is no way we're leaving them little shits. That Cole needs to be taught how to play football." Rain said firmly.

Awh. He's gone soft.

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