Chapter 13.

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Everything was going so perfectly with the house. My room was all done. Jessica's room was all done. She went for a more white aesthetic type while I went for a cosy type.

We were all in the kitchen, and my dad started calling me. I ignored the call, and Lucas noticed.

"Shit. Your mum. Do you want to go see her?" Lucas asked. I shook my head.

"I'll see her tomorrow." I muttered. He nodded and hugged me from behind as we all started talking.

"Why don't you guys just move in here? Elena and Lucas would have to share a room, but if not, you live ages away." Jessica suggested.

"I mean, I'm going to be here most nights anyway." Lucas said as he kissed my head.

"It's up to you guys, but don't be bringing some random whores into the house." I chuckled.

"Was it not obvious Jay and I are gay?" Blake asked. Jessica and I both froze, and the boys all laughed.

"We will share a room, which gives you two rooms to give us children around here. Fuck. I'd be the best uncle ever." Jay chuckled.

My cheeks blushed at the thought.

"I don't believe in marriage and shit. I'll just stick to fucking girls at bars." Rain said blatantly. I mean, fair enough.

We all heard a bang coming from my room upstairs. They all looked alarmed. "No. It's fine. It was nothing." I tried acting like nothing had happened.

"Darling. Who is upstairs?" Lucas asked.

"Okay, they found me." I muttered.

They all looked at me confused. Bullet came running down with Rex by his side. The two big ass doberman dogs started growing at the boys.

"Bad dogs. Shut up." Jay said as he stood back.

"Why are there teeth so sharp?!" Blake said as he jumped back.

"Bullet. Rex. Come here." I said, kneeling down. The two of them ran to me and sat by my side as I patted their heads.

"You bought dogs?" Jessica said as she stroked Rex. She looked happy about it.

"I saw them down at the beach, and yes, I've already taken them to the vets. They don't have owners." I said.

Lucas went to touch me, but Bullet barked at him. "Hey! She's my girlfriend!" Lucas argued.

We all burst out laughing. Lucss grabbed me anyway, even if Bullet wouldn't like it. "He's very protective of you." Lucas muttered grumpily.

"There just babies." I chuckled.

Bullet and Rex both ran into the living room. Probably to sit down or something. "I love them!" Jessica said happily.

"Good, because they aren't going anywhere." I said firmly.

"Sadly." Lucas muttered. I shot him a look. "Joking. As long as you're happy, darling." He chuckled.

My phone rang again, and Jay answered it and put it on speaker. "Elena? Your mum wants to see you." My dad said.

"Hey, we placed a bet. Have you two fucked yet?" Rain asked.

"Shut up, Rain. Are you coming home?" My dad asked.

"Not today. I kind of moved out with Jessica." I muttered.

"Is this beca -" my mum took the phone. "Elena, sweetie?" She asked.

I ended the call.

"You have to talk to her eventually." Blake said softly.

"Let's ignore that happened. I have weed, and we have alcohol and a hot tub. I say we have a little party." She chuckled.

Everyone agreed. I watched as Blake started rolled up the joints, and he was doing it so wrong. I took it off him and started doing it myself.

"Elena. If Lucas saw you doing that, he would have a heart attack." Jay said.

"Well, Lucas has gone with Rain. Which means we can get high without them being here to tell us off." Jessica said with a smirk.

We all put our swimsuits on. Jessica and I put matching black bikinis on. I put the dogs away, and we all got in the pool.

We started smoking. Jessica and I got high out of our minds. We must have had at least three together. Jay and Blake kept giving us different drinks, which really wasn't a good mix.

Lucas and Rain jumped inside the pool with us as soon as they got back. Lucas came up to me and saw my small pupils.

"She's high? Why would you even let her touch that?!" He asked them.

I pointed at Blake and Jay. "They've been giving us drinks." I blurted out.

"Really, Jess?" Lucas sighed.

Jessica grabbed my hand and pulled me away. "No, I don't want to leave Lucas." I whined.

"We should hold our breaths under water!" Jessica suggested with a big smile.

"No. One of you will end up drowning." Lucas said coldly. As he pulled me into him.

He leaned against the side of the pool with me in front of him with his arms around me. "Fun kill." I muttered.

"Elena. Who's the hottest man here?" Jay asked with a smirk.

"Don't do that when she's drunk and high." Lucas sighed.

"I am not." I said to Lucas and looked at Jay. "Lucas is the hottest." I whispered loudly.

Jessica and I made the boys play drinking games. Lucas ended up getting drunk as well, which was our goal.

Lucas and I both started kissing and making out in the pool. Jay and Blake tried pulling us apart, but neither of us wanted to.

Lucas ended up admitting random things to us, and he was so drunk it was funny. He wouldn't get his hands off me.

I remember at one point I got mad at Lucas because he wouldn't let me go. But that didn't work. This man really was stubborn as fuck.

The last thing I remembered was having some more drinks while Lucas started getting really touchy in the kitchen.

After that, everything goes black.

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