Chapter 32.

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Life really is amazing. Enzo and Flynn started walking and saying some of their first words. It was so adorable. Things like this make me happy for the life that we've created.

My dad came over the day after Christmas and took all the kids out for a meal. Jay and Blake insisted on going with them. Which gave Lucas and I time to ourselves.

Or so we thought. Iris was thirteen now. They've all grown up so much, but Iris stayed behind due to stomach cramps. She went to her room. Lucas and I gave her food and a hot water bottle.

He was understanding with this stuff. Correction: He agreed with everything I said because he didn't know a single thing about women's bodies.

The girls were all on the pill, which gave Lucas the reassurance he needed. The boys were different. Lucas had words with them, and hopefully, they were useful.

We could not deal with a teenage pregnancy. especially since we were always busy, and it would create chaos.

Kiara was in year 10 doing her mocks. She was practically a perfect student with good grades. Stella, Theo, Lila, Tyler, and Cole were all doing their important tests.

They had a good tutor who would actually do their job, and in no time, their grades picked up. The head teacher called Lucas and I in school.

We walked in and saw all of them, including Kiara, sat outside the office. Lucas and I both wanted in, beyond confused.

"There's a problem with the boys' grades or something?" Lucas questioned.

"No. Actually, all your kids have passed their tests with flying colours. Except Kiara. I was wondering if anything had changed at home because she's a bright young lady. It would be ashamed if she slipped." The head teacher explained.

Lucas and I were both shocked to hear that. Nothing had changed at home, so maybe something changed at school.

We went back out. "You kids go back to class." Lucas sighed. They all got up and started walking. "Except you, Kiara." He added.

Kiara stopped and looked at us confused. "Is there any reason for your grades to be slipping? Has something happened?" I asked.

She shook her head and tried acting as confused as we felt, but as her mum, I could see past her. Even if Lucas couldn't.

"Kiara, get back to class." Lucas said. Kia went back to class, and I took Lucas's hand. I took him over to the boys' classroom, and I knocked on the door.

"Ah, Miss Black. Will you be taking them long?" The professor asked. I shook my head and sent him a polite smile.

Tyler, Cole, and Theo came out and closed the door behind them. "Is anything happening at school?" I asked.

They looked confused. "As far as we know, no? Why?" Tyler asked.

"Doesn't matter. Just your mum freaking out about nothing. We will see you after school." Lucas said, pulling me into him.

The kids walked back in, and I turned to him angrily. "Darling, she's probably being a normal lazy teenager. We will get her a tutor, or it will be fine." He reassured.

I agreed even if I didn't completely agree on it. Something was happening. I just didn't know what.

Aries and Sean started being trouble as well. They were just kids who loved video games, but ever since they've gone into year 8, they've changed.

Lucas and I went back home and I didn't know what to do. I had nothing to do. If Kiara didn't tell me anything, I couldn't force her to be that uncomfortable.

"I know that look." Lucas said as he came into the bedroom. My eyes met his.

"What look?" I sighed.

He jumped on the bed and lifted my chin up."The look of when you don't know something and it starts to bug you."

"Kiara, Cole, Aries, Sean, and Iris don't tell us anything." I muttered.

"They've been through a lot only a year ago." Lucas added.

"I know, but what if that's why they don't tell us anything. They don't trust us because of that. Which I get, but it's not like we will leave them." I explained. He gently kissed my head to reassure me.

"They will come to us when they are ready. Which I know your stubborn ass won't like, but trust me when I say they'll come to us." He said.

I didn't want to do that. He knows I don't want to do that, even if it has to happen.

But then my phone rang. We got the call I never wanted to have. As I started freaking out again, Lucas looked at me curious. I ended the call and looked at him.

"That was the school. Iris has been taking into the hospital. She had a seizure." I blurted out.

The two of us rushed to the hospital. We had to wait outside the room, and I was beyond scared. Lucas held my hand while the doctor came out. We both shot up.

"Is she okay?!" I asked.

"She's okay. We found out she has epilepsy, but we can put her on some pills, and you should be okay to take her home tomorrow. I'd like to keep her overnight for some more checkups." The doctor stated with a kind smile.

"What's epilepsy?" Lucas asked me.

"Epilepsy is where sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain cause seizures." I explained. Lucas looked surprised.

"How's this been caused?" He asked.

"It could have been passed down by family or a head injury. In this case, I'm guessing family." The doctor said.

"Thank you." I said calmly even if inside I was scared for her. Lucas and I walked in, and she looked terrified. Tears were in her eyes.

Lucas and I went to her side, and I gladly held her hand. "Are you okay, princess?" Lucas asked with a small voice.

"I didn't even know what happened. I thought it would have been fine. It happened this morning, but I didn't think anything of it." She explained.

"If it happens again, you need to tell one of us, and you're going on some medicine to make you better." I said softly.

Iris smiled and sat up and hugged me. "Thank you for coming." She said, squeezing me tighter.

Lucas ended up going home and picking me up later that day, so Lizzy could come see her. Them two were really close, despite the three year age gap.

Since that had happened, I got a file of all the kids' past medical history. Lucas and I read through them all night, mostly me. He wasn't one for reading.

I found out some things about Cole that I never expected, but it says a lot. He wouldn't play football with his dad or the others. He didn't do any sports, and he stopped riding the motorbikes, but he said he didn't want his own.

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