Chapter 29.

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I woke up without Lucas's arms around me. I didn't like that, but then I sat up and saw him cuddling Bullet while sleeping.

I hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek. Lucas woke up and saw what he was going. "I fucking hate this dog." He murmured.

"You love him." I went to get up, but Lucas grabbed my hands and forced me to hug him.

"I'm comfy, but breath a word of this to anyone, and I'll kill the dog." He warned. I smiled and continued cuddling him like a little baby.

There was a knock at the door, and Lucas quickly sat up and made me rest my hand on his chest so the person wouldn't see him near the dog or acting clingy.

Stella came in. "Um. Could you drive the boys home?" She asked.

"Tell them to be ready in twenty minutes. Do you like the boy?" I asked. A smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah, and thanks for not freaking out like dad did." She chuckled. She went to walk out, but Lucas said her name.

"He's nice. Just make sure he treats you right." Lucas said softly. Stella looked really happy about that and walked back out of the room.

I caught Lucas and Bullet staring into each others eyes. "Dick." Lucas said to him.

I nudged Lucas and laughed to myself as I started getting dressed. "Hey, we've never celebrated your birthday. You've never let me, and I know it's coming up -" I cut him off.

"You know I don't like my birthday."

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "My mum can watch the kids, keep them safe. We can do whatever you want."

"Christmas is also coming up." I turned around and kissed him. "I want you under the mistletoe wrapped in wrapping paper." I chuckled.

He smiled and kissed me again. "Deal, but please think about what you want to do for your birthday, because if not my mum will make me do something cheesy and romantic."

I rolled my eyes and continued getting dressed. "My love, can I wear one of your hoodies?" I asked with pleading eyes.

He laughed and nodded.

He said he was going to talk to Rain and Jessica. I'm just glad I got most of the kids out of the house while they did. I didn't know what I would go back home to.

I dropped the kids that weren't mine off, and we went to a drive-through for food. "Do you guys like Christmas?" I asked.

They looked really excited and nodded. They started telling me how they've never celebrated it, but how they'd love to.

I've never celebrated it myself, but I'd love to with them. When we got back, I made them all go write Christmas lists and help the younger ones.

I walked into the kitchen, sceptical on how quiet it was. Jay, Blake, and Lucas looked quite satisfied with themselves.

"What happened?" I asked.

Lucas pulled me into him, and he hugged me. "They agreed to get their own place together, but they'd be here daytime hours." He explained.

I took a big sigh of relief, and the boys all laughed at my worry. "You thought we would kill him? Or did you think he would kill us?" Jay asked.

"Both. You'd all end up doing some random blood brother sacrifice." I chuckled. They completely agreed with me.

I moved myself a little bit, and Lucas made a small noise as if he were in pain. "Unless he did hurt you. What happened?" I asked.

I turned around to face him and touched his arm. "Darling, he didn't touch me. I did something else." He said.

I looked at him confused. Lucas stood up and took off his hoodie. He had a sleeve of tattoos that seemed really cool. All our kids' names were on his arms.

"Awh." It really was adorable, but damn. A biker with brown hair, muscles, and tattoos. That is very handsome. Most attractive mix ever.

I looked up at him, but a tattoo caught my eye on his neck. I turned his head and saw the initial E on his neck with a small love heart.

"I feel like this is more official than a marriage." I laughed. It kind of is. Tattoos are permanent, and marriages are easy to escape from by getting a divorce.

Theo came down and saw his tattoos. "That's sick." He said in a good way.

"You want a tattoo? I know a guy." Blake offered.

"Do you want mum to have a heart attack?" Theo asked. Good answer. At least he was smart.

"Anyways. I need to tell you something, but you can't freak out." Theo said with a sad look. "Um. I-i don't know how to say it." He muttered.

We all started to worry. Theo sighed and looked upset. "I don't want to call them my real family, but my... blood family got in touch with me. T-They want to meet me." He blurted out with a worried voice.

I felt like I had just gotten hit by a brick in the chest. "You want to go meet them?" Lucas asked him.

Theo hesitantly nodded. "It's just out of curiosity. If you agree to take me." He said.

Lucas nodded, and Theo went back upstairs. Blake shut the door so the kids couldn't hear our discussion.

"What the fuck?! We took him in and he wanted to meet some assholes who didn't want to take care of him before!?" Lucas flipped.

I sat down on a stool. "He wants to meet them. It's not like we can say no." I muttered.

"That's rigged. Didn't you say you didn't want them to have contact?!" Jay asked freaking out as well. I nodded.

"Exactly, you did that because you knew they'd just let the kids down again. Now we're just going to hand him over as if we haven't been his family?" Lucas asked.

"I-i don't know. If he wants this, we can't stop him." I murmured. I was honestly heartbroken.

Blake got out his computer and started researching something. Not even seconds later, he flipped the computer around.

Lucas and I read it. Theos parents were major drug addicts who left Theo locking in a car for hours. After that, Tom took him.

Lucas and I looked at each other the exact same way. We knew we couldn't let Theo back near them. Not after the assholes did this.

We were both still kind of hurt Theo would even ask that. I understand being curious, but it felt like we were just babysitting him this whole time.

That's not what we wanted. We weren't babysitters for these kids we were their family. Maybe they just didn't see us like that.

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