Chapter 33.

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That day, I made Lucas watch the kids while Rain and I stalked Cole. We saw him sit on the benches watching the other kids play football.

The football kids tried getting Cole to play, which gave me a bit of hope, but he turned them down.

"Why doesn't he just play?" Rain asked. I've never heard Rain ask a valid question until now.

"Can you tell Lucas not to worry, I'm taking Cole to the hospital." I muttered. Rain nodded and walked away.

I walked up to Cole and sat next to him. He looked surprised to see me. "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Truthfully, no. I'm close to all the kids, except for you, and don't get mad, but I did some digging. Do you have a problem with your leg?" I asked.

He shamefully nodded and looked down. "You like football?" I asked.

"I want to play, I'm good at it. I know I am, but I can't risk tearing my leg again. If I do, I might never be able to walk." He explained.

"Right, then let's go to the hospital. I'll only come in if you want me to, but we can see what they can do about that leg." I offered. He lifted his head up to me with a small smile.

"No. I want you there." That took me by surprise, but I wouldn't say no.

The two of us went to the hospital, and we were top priority, considering I'm their biggest donator. The doctors all explained that they could do a surgery, but he had to heal for a week on bed rest.

I looked at him for his approval. He was a little scared, but he wanted to go through with it. And that's what he did.

I waited in the waiting room while he was in surgery, I started talking to a kid with cancer. She was so polite and had such an understanding, but I learned that her mum couldn't afford treatment.

I went up to the front desk and anonymously paid for them, but the mum overheard and wouldn't stop thanking me.

Jay came to keep me company and saw the woman thanking me for a moment until she had to go.

"You paying for another person's treatment?" He asked with a small laugh.

I shrugged and sat back down. He sat next to me. "You do a lot for kids. You deserve more credit." He chuckled. "Is Cole okay?" He asked.

"I hope so. I know you guys told me to back away, but if this operation goes well, he can start doing what he loves. That's all I want." I replied.

Jay put his arm over my shoulder, and I fell asleep on his chest. When I woke back up, he was talking to another small kid about me being his girlfriend.

It made me laugh at Jay's disgusted face. He wasn't into women, but he wasn't about to explain that to children.

The doctor came out. I shot up, and Jay followed me. "Is he okay? Will his leg be okay? What's happening?" I questioned.

"Relax, mum." Cole laughed as he hopped out with a cast and crutches. I quickly hugged him, and he hugged me back. We both pulled back, and I had tears in my eyes with a smile as he told me everything would be okay after a week.

Jay wrapped his arms around me. While I was sobbing out of happiness. No one can judge me. I'm a sensitive person who's happy for my kid.

We took him home, and Lucas looked shocked to see him in crutches. So did the other kids. "Shit. Are you okay?" Lucas asked Cole.

"Yeah, mum, didn't tell you?" Cole asked while looking at me. I shook my head. Cole went into the living room with the others.

"He needs bed rest for a week. I know you told me to step back, but I -" Lucas cut me off.

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