Chapter 23.

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Everything was so perfect. My dogs were all beautiful, the healthiest they've ever been, and they had a massive garden and their own house to play in.

Lucas and I went to some baby oppoinemts together. Our baby was healthy with no issues, and I even got a bigger baby bump. My mood swings weren't the best, though. Let's just say I've been a little emotional.

All the kids were getting along, and they were involved with new schools. As far as I'm aware their settling in just fine.

Lucas and the boys were helpful. Extremely helpful, but they still went on their bike rides. Lucas took Theo and Cole today. Rain was the best with Cole.

Jessica turned out to be infertile. I felt so sorry for her, and we cried together for hours, but she loved the kids. She was such a good auntie.

The kids all referred to me as their mum. I loved it. It was so adorable, I'm just glad I could make them happy.

Luckily, they were all healthy and presented as happy. Even if none of them did like my dad. Taylor was the only one who did. It was adorable their little bond.

Today, Lucas and the boys had just come back from a ride with Theo and Cole again. The two of them ran to the garden, and Lucas looked like he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"They called him dad." Jay chuckled. My eyes widened, and I quickly hugged him.

"That's adorable." I awed. He seemed shocked but happy by it.

The kids all started coming in from their driver dropping them back off. Tyler and Stella came in arguing. "Hey. What's going on?" Rain asked, cutting them off.

"He's being an asshole! He got suspended from school for fighting!" Stella raised her voice.

"Okay, stop shouting. Why did you get suspended?" Lucas asked. "What does suspended even mean?"

"It means he's got kicked out for a few days because he hit some girl." Stella spat. That didn't sound right to me.

"You hit a girl?!" Lucas asked with a mad tone.

"For fuck sake. Of course, you'd take her side!" Tyler shouted as he walked out and slammed the door.

Lucas was too mad to go talk to him, so I stopped him. I followed Tyler out alone and found him in the garage. I sat next to him.

"Stella likes to twist things. You didn't hit a girl, did you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Some guy was trying to touch Stella. I was protecting her like Lucas said, but he moved out the way, and I accidentally hit someone else." He explained. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He said regretfully.

"Hey. You didn't do anything wrong. Come with me." I said. We both went back inside, and Lucas didn't look too happy at him.

"My love. Can I borrow you?" I asked. Lucas followed me back out to the garage, and so did Tyler. "I need you to teach Tyler how to fight." I said.

He looked surprised but agreed.

The next morning, Tyler and I went down to his school. I walked into the office, and the secretary tried stopping me from walking in, but I wouldn't let her. I went into the heads office.

"You must be Miss Black." He said.

"My son is coming back to this school. He was defending his sister and hit the wrong person like he's been grown up to do." He opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him. "No. Argue with a pregnant woman, and you'll be regretting it." I warned.

He knew I was right and shut up. "Fine, but his grades are low. They need to be picked up, or he won't be ready for his tests." He said.

"He will get a tutor. Next time you expel a child of mine, call me." I said coldly. Tyler and I walked out, and he looked amused.

"That was awesome." He chuckled.

"If them kids give you trouble, tell me. Also, I get your the third oldest boy. Don't you feel left out with Lucas going off with Theo and Cole?" I asked.

He hesitantly nodded. "Let's change that." I said with a smile. Tyler's mood completely changed.

The rest of the day, I taught him how to drive a motorbike. I couldn't fully show him everything because I was pregnant, but he understood enough.

After school tomorrow, he had some lessons so he could get a driving licence. I know a friend who will give him one tomorrow if Tyler actually likes it.

Tyler hugged me and ran upstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw the boys talking. "Where have you two been?" Lucas asked.

"You'll find out tomorrow. He's a good kid. He wouldn't hurt anyone." I said.

"I know. I'm sorry, I've been caught up with Theo and Cole. Want us to start taking him on rides?" Lucas asked. Oh? So now he fucking offers.

"No. He isn't into that stuff." I sighed and held my stomach. "I really shouldn't have had an argument with that asshole head teacher of theirs." I muttered.

The boys all freaked out as if I was in labour or something. It made me laugh. "Guys, we have two weeks yet. Don't panic yet." I chuckled.

The next day, when I was in the shower, my water broke. I didn't say anything and bit my tongue to hide my contractions' pain.

Luckily, at this very moment, Tyler would be coming back on his motorbike if he got a licence.

I wasn't stupid. I timed my contractions so I'd know if I really had to go. Luckily, we all heard a motorbike outside.

The boys, Jessica, and kids went outside. We saw it was Tyler on a motorbike. "I got my licence." He said happily.

"You knew he would." Lucas chuckled.

"Yep. Can you guys take care of the kids? Lucas, we need to go. Like, now." I quickly said.

"Where?" Lucas asked. They all looked at me confused.

"My water broke earlier. I'm kind of in labour." I said calmly. Their faces dropped. Even the kids.

Lucas didn't waste any second to get in the car and rush me to the hospital. His reaction was so funny.

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