Chapter 27.

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Lucas gave everyone a full lecture about not ever leaving the kids alone like that. Derek got lots of hugs and cuddles that day.

Which brought me to the question. "You guys don't feel like we are too busy for you sometimes, do you?" I asked the kids.

Lucas and the others seemed curious to know as well. Stella burst out laughing, and they all hugged me.

"You never make us feel like that. We may not be blood, but you are our one and only mum. We love you." Kiara said softly.

"God, I love you guys." I said, hugging them back.

Theo lifted up my hand, and they all looked at my ring. "You guys are engaged?!" He asked. Lucas came up behind me and hugged me as he nodded.

"Shit, we forgot about that. Congratulations, you too." My dad chuckled.

Lucas and I rolled our eyes, knowing we just had the best night of our lives and came back to chaos. We both put the little ones to bed together.

Kiara, Theo, Tyler, Cole, Stella, and Lila all stayed downstairs with us doing homework on the counter. Blake and Jay were useful to help them.

Lucas, my dad, Jay, Blake, Rain, and Jessics started drinking. I didn't. They all looked at me weirdly. "You aren't pregnant again, are you?" Blake asked.

"God knows, but I'd like to know how I managed to have twins." I chuckled. I sat at the counter, and Lucas wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Actually, your real parents are alive, and you were a twin yourself." My dad said. Is he serious?!

"I think I've have enough with family drama, and with that being said, it is enough for me to drink." I said, stealing Lucas's drink.

"Have you guys ever drank?" Rain asked the kids. They all looked between each other and kept quiet.

"Excuse you? You've all drank?!" Lucas asked a little more seriously.

"You can't blame them for trying it." I muttered. I'm not wrong. They are teenagers. They've got to start somewhere.

"Fine, but if I ever see you smoking, I'm shooting you." Lucas warned.

"He doesn't even let me." I whispered. They all laughed.

"Y-You know that boy. The one I went on a date with." Kiara muttered. We all looked at her a little worried. "It's nothing bad." She reassured.

"She's dating him." Tyler blurted out with a laugh. "He's actually cool. He's a friend. We were wondering if you'd let us bring them over?" He asked.

"Yes." Lucas quickly replied. I looked up at him. "What? I want to meet my daughters boyfriend. Thank you very much." He claimed.

I rolled my eyes, and they all looked at me for permission. "Fine, you guys can have the pool and the living room if you want them to sleepover." I sighed.

"But there's some rules. No girls alone with boys, or Rain can shoot them. Don't be too loud, and I want to talk to this boy, Kiara." Lucas said firmly.

The kids nodded and went upstairs. "You're such a good dad." I chuckled. He placed a kiss on my lips.

Lucas and I went to bed that night, but Bullet was acting a little werid. Lucas and I both got up and opened the door to follow Bullet.

He took us to our side Stella's door. We both heard her sobbing. I knocked on the door. "Come in."

Lucas and I both walked in and saw her tear stained eyes, but she put in a smile. We sat on the bed with her.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She quickly hugged me and started sobbing.

"Please don't be mad at me." She muttered. Lucas and I both nodded. "I-i went out with this boy. We were dating, and we had sex, but then that night, I found out he was with another girl." She explained.

I noticed Lucas's mad expression. "She's 16, and she had sex." Lucas realised and froze with his eyes wide.

Stella and I both looked at him. "I think I broke dad." She chuckled. Lucas suddenly got up and started walking backwards and forwards around the room.

Stella and I leaned against her headboard as we watched him freak out. "Were you at least safe?" I asked. Lucas stopped and looked at Stella.

She nodded. Lucas and I both looked at each other and sighed in relief. "Where was this?" Lucas asked. She looked ashamed to say.

"I- in the schools bathrooms.." She admitted shamefully.

"Hey, we all make mistakes. Are you feeling okay, other than him being a dick?" I asked. She luckily nodded. At least he didn't give her aids.

"Where does he live? Can I kill him? Please tell me I can kill him? Elena. I'm going to fucking kill him. No. Scrap that. I'm going to rip his fingers off and then shoot him in the dick." Lucas freaked.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him on the bed so he would sit down, but he shot back up and started walking around.

"No. We forget it ever happened. Lucas and I will sort out the boy. I have the perfect person for you to get with, and I'm inviting him tomorrow." I said firmly.

She looked amused and nodded. I grabbed Lucas's hand and practically dragged him out of the room. Bullet followed us back to our bedroom.

As soon as I closed the door, Lucas snapped. "She's fucking 16 and she had sex at school!" He blurted out.

I cupped his face. "I'm not happy about it either, but at least she was safe. She gave consent, even if he was an asshole."

"Yeah, until he fucking cheated on her. I don't like it. I don't like him! And why the fuck do you think it's okay to set her up with another one?!" He asked angrily.

I kissed him to shut him up. "Trust me. The girls talk to me, you're going to love the boy if she likes him. You'll see tomorrow. Now get into bed and sleep." I said calmly.

"I seriously doubt I'd like anyone who breathes near them." He said coldly as we both got in bed.

He's saying that now, but I know these boys. I'm friends with their mum. Everything will be perfect when he meets them.

I hope.

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