Chapter 184

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Sharon really stuck her neck out for them on this one.

She got Steve his shield back.

She got Sam his wings back.

Now it's up to them.

"You know," Bruce says once they're at the airport, "the more I think about this, the less sure I am that I actually want to be involved in this."

"It's a bit late to back out now," Sam remarks.

"Is it, though?" Bruce asks. "'Cause we don't know where this is going to go, but we're planning for a fight and fighting is something that I really don't do."

"He does make a good point," Pietro remarks. "I do not want to have to fight super soldiers and the Hulk."

"Neither do I," Steve says, "but he's right: we don't know where this is going to go. We might need that kind of brain power down the line."

Bruce sighs. "I was afraid you'd say that."

"Wait, wait, hold on," Peter says quickly. "Are we expecting the Hulk to come out – and do we need to be scared? 'Cause he looks really scary – no offense, Dr. Banner."

Bruce cracks a smile. "None taken," he assures him. "No, the odds are, uh... very, very slim."

"And the Hulk likes us," Steve tells him, then amends, "as much as the Hulk likes anyone. He's not gonna hurt us."

"But he doesn't know me," Peter reminds him. He pauses. "Does he know me? 'Cause Dr. Banner does? How does that...?"

Bruce puts a hand on Peter's back comfortingly. "You'll be fine."

"But still be careful," Pietro adds. "Do not do anything stupid. There is already too much stupid in this group."

Steve huffs and rolls his eyes, a slight smile on his face. "Alright, guys. Let's go."

And then there's a voice – something in German, coming over the speakers. Steve looks to Bucky. If anybody is going to know what's happening, it's going to be him.

"They're evacuating the airport," Bucky translates for them.

They all know what that means.

"Stark," Sam says with a grimace.

"Ah, shit," Bruce mutters. He looks at Steve. "I'll call you-know-who?"

Steve gestures for him to go ahead. They're definitely going to want Loki onboard for this. If he'd known they'd need this help so soon, he would have called him in when this whole thing started. At least he knows that Loki will take his side, even if they don't have time to brief him on everything.

"Wait, Stark?" Peter repeats. He looks at Bruce warily. "What's he doing here? Is he here to help?"

Bruce shakes his head. "He's here to throw us in jail, is my guess."

Peter stares at him. "He's what?"

"It will be fine," Pietro assures him. "I can take Stark."

"And if Wanda's there?" Steve asks, a brow raised.

Pietro shrugs. "I can take Wanda, too."

Steve's not so sure about that, but he has to admit, a part of him looks forward to finding out.

"He's not going to throw you in jail," Bruce assures the kid. "Just the rest of us – and only if we lose. You don't have to worry."

"But we're going to fight Tony Stark?" Peter asks.

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