Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful cottage snuggled among the tall mountains with tall plants standing proud. A calming breeze made its way inside from the windows while sunshine peeked inside falling on the bare forms of us.

I woke up to the natural sunlight and took a deep breathe feeling relaxed and my hands, eyes sought out to find her. Lounged with her front on the bed, her face nestled on her elbows, her legs tangled and her wild hair spawled on her back, she looked right out of a painting.

Her hair the color of dark brown coffee, her skin the color of desert sand, her aura an essence of floral and her own natural scent reminding me of breeze after the first rain shower in spring. My hands etched to touch her, I moved those untamed brown curls to her side and carefully observed her face turned towards me, warmth seeping through me. My hand moved on her curves, from her lower back to her nape, moving to shower a few kisses on the same trail I took with my fingers. 

When I kissed her forehead, playfully flicking her adorable nose she opened her brown eyes looking straight at me and smiled like a baby waking up from a slumber. She rolled to her back and streched forgetting that she was naked but when she did she rushed to cover herself with a blanket and that got a chuckle out of me. How can this women be a bold temptress a few hours ago while behave like a shy beauty in the morning ?

Her eyes twinkled looking at my smile and she moved close, touching my stubble with her soft hands


She kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear "Vikram, good morning",

I closed my eyes enjoying the moment and when I opened my eyes the bed was empty and I was in darkness. Suddenly, I heard painful shrieks, then the yelling and shouting and then the emptiness ... like I was falling 

Vikram's POV

And that woke me up 

Every day the same damn dream

Everyday I go through the same decibels of pain

Every morning has been a bad morning for years until today. Every thing will change today. I would be snatching away the innocent temptress right from under her family's noses and they would not be able to do anything. 

I streched my body and did my daily push ups, lifted some weights and went out for a quick jog. I came back and had my shower going to work. Once I came back I got ready dressing up as a women.

Yep, I would be dressing up as a women to make my way through as a bhramin catering lady to get inside her house. I picked up the food from the suppliers and drove to her home in the truck. I removed the food and the supplies I got to help me with the kidnapping. For this girl I have become a women today and yesterday I was the flower decorator who went through the house dynamics, took pictures and planned this.

At 7:30 pm - Auspicious time in 2 hours

In the pertext of finding a washroom I went inside looking lost acting all docile and shy. As people were occupied with arrangements, I could make it to her room. There my women was dressed as a bride looking as eternal as a goddess too bad this is all going to waste

Yashna: Hello, are you looking for something ?

I nodded and took out the spray I got along, she lost her consiousness falling on top of me. I put on a black robe on top of her tying her legs and hands. I felt bad stuffing her like that but I gotta do what I gotta do. I sent a message and one of the guy I bribed came in carrying a big drum in the pertext of taking our garbage out. 

He carried her and put her in that. Then he placed a cardboard over the top putting few dried out flowers, leaves etc. He took it till the terrace and tied it with ropes, I bid adieu taking my payment, informing them that I will be even taking the used flowers for my incense stick business and went towards my truck getting it to the back of the house. The guy with the help of ropes, descended the bin downstairs and I put it inside my truck and I drove away with my prize. The taking a garbage was a back up if anybody sees us carrying the drum or sliding it down. The late hours of the night allowed this plan to happen.

I got her to my home and when she woke up, I intimidated her so that she would not try to escape. After few hours I heard that her sniffing and crying has stopped. She has slept off because of the long effect of the sleep solution, I went to the room and asked my maid to change her dress. She did and I observed her tear streaked face. 

I wiped her face off with wet wash cloth and thought to myself on how innocent she looks. I put an IV bag so that she does not feel dehydrated as she would not be eating today, unplugging it after some time. 

Locking her doors and windows I stepped out of the room, giving her the space


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