Chapter 13

52 4 15

Yashna POV

Vikram : What ? You are not going back ? Why?

Me: Do I have to tell you ?

Vikram: I want you to be safe when you are out of here, which means knowing all the details then yes, you have to tell

Me: As if you told me why you want to take revenge from my parents or why you bought me in here in first place or why are you even interested in me? If you answer all my questions then I will tell you why I am not going home

Vikram: Fine, then tell me where would you like to go and what would you like to do to stay happy, healthy and safe. I will be in my room.

He walked out of the room and felt confused on his behaviour. He has some very deep and dark secrets which I feel like uncovering. But why do I care ? Wait, what if I get all my answers, then I can solve this thrilling mystery which is bothering me.

I need to talk to him right now. His room is at the end of the hall, I wanted to rush in there but my foot was injured. Damn, you injury. I was contemplating what to do when Vikram walked in again and put a jug of water on the side table with a rice bowl

Vikram: You did not eat much so eat this. Dont worry, it is not your spiked biryani. I made some dal rice

I scowled at him 

Me: See, whatever I did was a reaction to your action. You knew there is no way a women will actually want to stay with a person like you right ?

He looked sad and left the room. My heart bled looking at his face, why I am I sad ?

Next morning 

The nurse came in and helped me doing my personal activities as promised by Vikram but he changed my dressing and observed the wound

Vikram: It is still healing. You would not be able to put too much pressure on your foot. We will get you crutches to hop around until you are healed. You would be on bedrest excluding the time you use the washroom.

I nodded at his serious doctor gaze and in next hour he got me the crutches to walk to the washroom without depending on the nurse as she will visit only in the mornings.

Vikram: I have a few surgeries scheduled. I need to go, the cook will come at the lunch time and ..

Me: Wait, how did you know that I would escape, other than your intuition

Vikram: You think I would not get CCTV when I have a lady in the house alone ? 

Me: That is creepy, you were watching me ?

Vikram: It was in public spaces. As you said, I am a lonely man and I have cook, drivers and maid coming in when I am not in the house. I have to be careful for safety. Anyways I am busy with my workday so I dont watch people like a hawk. Before you came to work with me, you were alone in the house, I wanted to know if you were okay.

Me: Dude, you were spying on me. You are a stalker 

Vikram: Look I am the kidnapper, I need to make sure you were okay when you were alone with the servants

I looked around my room scared about being watched all this while

Vikram: Yashna, they are not here. It was in the areas where servants and maids went around like kitchen, hall and outside the bedroom corridors. I mostly insist they clean the bedrooms only when I am present in the house and rest of the time we locked our bedroom doors.

I nodded and rested my back on the wall. He watched me for 2 seconds before he left to work. 

In the evening

I sat at the dining table and waited for him. He came around 1 am and sat down in front of me. He poured himself a glass of water and gulped the liquid down while I observed his face. He looked very tired

Me: I made a plan

Vikram: Okay 

Me: You know how I dont have any educational certificates owing to my memory loss. I would like to go away but I dont remember anybody. I would like to be independent though. For starters, I would like to continue working in the hospital until I find a new job. I will stay with you until I heal and then I am out of here. The job is the only thing I am asking from you until I settle down for what you did to me

Vikram nodded and sighed getting up 

Vikram: I will help you find a place which is safe, you can continue with your work. Oh, and if you want to go to someplace else I will arrange the transport too, dont worry 

I nodded and he went walking up the stairs and stopped in between

Vikram: You need help going up ?

Me: No, we have the lift anyways 

Vikram: Okay 

He went upstairs and I sat there not knowing or understanding the swarmp of emotions inside of me. This guy is as confusing as his hotness and kind eyes. The passiona with which he stole me away from the world and the kindness with which he is letting me go was a shocker. Both can make us go crazy.

Later that night I walked to his bedroom with the help of the crutches. He was sleeping but he had a dairy open. His words made me cry ...

Dear Diary

I was an orphan as long as I can remember. Being from an old school dysfunctional family, losing my parents to a riots in the city I was taken in by my grandfather, who was the head of the village. I lived in a mansion made of bricks, I had people with hearts of stones and I ate tasteless costly food. I stood on my own feet and that was when I stayed in hostels making aquaintances. My grand father remained distant and did not care about my absence. My looks and the wealth attracted women to me, I found company but never the solance I got from my mother. Then you came along, Ira. 

The women with brownish hair, wheatish glowing skin, smart mouth and the purest soul walked along stealing me from myself and made me feel all sorts of emotions I missed out since the loss of my parents. As I sit beside her, her softly breathing in beside me, wearing the nuptial chain of my name with the maroon vermillion in her hair, she looked divine. 

Right now all I want to do is slid inside the covers and hold her close to my heart, my Ira might wake up looking for my embrace any second. Oops she is waking up ..

Bye ..

After reading this, I felt a strange jealousy, sadness and doubts creep up and I slowly walked outside keeping the diary back at its place


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