Chapter 35

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When Vikram spoke about turning my back on the truth I just could not let it go. I had to know it completely. In the pusuit of truth we are travelling in our car after showering and eating some bites for strength. David was driving us and Vikram and me were seated in the back. We both holding our hands in tight grip, trying to gather any warmth and assurance we can get before we face the truth. Our hearts beating rapidly in our rib cage.

After an hour long drive the car stopped in front of a hospital and I looked at Vikram with a doubt 

Vikram: This is the hospital where me and David got our treatment. This is where you were admitted too

I nodded and we slowly got down

David: Ira, when we woke up we were told you were dead and your parents claimed your body but when we started investigating, right around that date, the doctor who treated us had a credit of an enormous amount. 

He happened to be the person, who signed your death certificate. So, I followed his finances, the money came from your family side that day. So, one of your family paid the doctor to declare you dead 

I took a deep breathe in to digest the deceit and asked the question which bothered me

Me: Why do you think he will tell us the truth now ? He isnt a saint that he will see us and directly sing like a bird

David: May be not in front of us but he will sing in front of one person 

Me: Who is it ?

David: You will know 

That cocky smile, does he have to be that cocky when we are in the middle of  a freaking suspense ?

Me: You could just tell us 

David: Or you could wait and watch the whole drama. Its interesting. I even got popcorn.

Me: Vikram ..

Vikram: David, why are you annoying her ?

David: Its a heart breaking truth and im just trying to lighten the whole thing. I am sorry Ira, but remember as hard as it could be to digest the truth, im just trying to calm your nerves

Me: Thank you David, I appreciate it 

We walked in and directly walked to the cabin of Dr. Raj Patel

Dr. Raj: Hey, how can you walk into the cabin like this ?

David: Dont worry sir we have 2 hours appointment, we paid so chill

Dr. Raj looked startled when he saw Vikram and he looked like he saw a ghost when he saw Vikram holding my hand

David: What happened doctor ? Why so tensed ? Let me introduce you to Ira Vikram, the same women whom you declared death a few years ago remember ? If we call the cops, if they look at the blood reports and DNA then it will prove that you are a culprit. You could lose your license

Dr.Raj huffed and wiped his brows with tissue

Dr. Raj: I dont know anything, leave me alone

Saying that he started getting up and running away from the room when David caught him by the shirt and made him sit back on the chair with a thud

David: Are you opening your mouth or should we call media ? or wait will you only open the mouth in front of the guy who paid you haan ?

David clapped and a man appeared in front of the doctor. The doctor gulped and yelled at the new entrant

Dr. Raj: What the hell, why did you open your mouth ? What did you get from all this. I did all this on your orders in first place

The new entrant looked at all of us but I glared at him. He was Aditya's PA and confidant. In short the guy who did all this errands.

Me: Vishal, what is happening here ? Are you giving us answers or what ?

Vishal: I am sorry Ira. I am a man with ideals and values 

Me: What crap, you paid him to ...

Vishal: I know what I did but you know the madness of Aditya. You think I had a choice ? I am a middle class guy who was getting paid in 6 figures because I knew his secrets ... 

Me: Which now you are going to reveal because that is why you are here isnt it ?

I turned to David

Me: How did u convince him ?

David: He was unemployed, that Aditya got crazy after your death, attacked his own PA and had to be commited to psycatric facility. This guy did what all crazy orders he passed but he was the guy who was humilated, fired and beaten to pulp when he tried to stop his boss from commiting suicide

Me: What ??

Vishal: He was crazy about you. Its a shame you dint notice his subtle feelings and then you married Vikram. His ego satisfied knowing you were seperated from your family and they sided him but when Vikram made peace between you both he got crazy. He was the one who planned the attack on Vikram, you came in between. 

When Vikram tried to save you, he got insane saying you chose to save him, he banged your car and then the accident happened. He wanted to save only Ira, but David got the consiousness. He dialled the ambulance and tried to come out, so he acted as a concerned driver. 

Once you all reached hospital, he ordered this doctor to create a death certificate after influencing your parents that it was because of Vikram that their daughter was in trouble. Vikram was anyways in Coma, David was in surgery, so he played his tricks. Vikram came and confronted the parents but he was told the news that Ira died and Vikram believed it.

Me: What happened to me ?

Vishal: What do you mean ?

Me:I was pregnant, 7 months ...

Vishal: Oh that ...

Vishal looked at Doctor and they both exchanged glances 


Hello All

Here is the new update and part of your cliffhangers answered 

Stay tuned for more

Yes, Aditya was the culprit who tried to kill our lead pair

Not a shocker I guess



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