Chapter 3

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Vikram POV

I went out of the room and I felt a small sense of happiness engulf me. Even though she was kidnapped and she did not know how her future was about to change she fought back like a real tigress and I can also see that she did not like my kind of cute remark.

Come on, which girl would like someone demeaning their beauty and Yashna was not different. That girl had some fight in her, if only she knew she cannot win this fight. Because if she wins this fight she gets freedom from me and that is not something I was willing to give her, atleast not before I do what I planned to do.

I went in my room and looked at the beautifully made portrait of my women. Damn, she was really gorgeous. She was not overly dressed or her face was not overly caked up but even with minimalistic attire she adapted she looked like my queen. She was not just a looker she was also a warrior who could challenge you on a match with the swords or she could make you cry with her quick wit and pranks, I was her target most of the times whenever I messed up.

A few years ago

I was talking to one of the nurses who flocked around me trying to get my attention. At that point of time, I have made a slight change in a medical procedure which saved that patients life. It normally took hours to do that, but I tried to take a risk which benefitted us 2 hours lesser than the regular time and that made me the hot shot doctor.

My temptress although tired after her 40 hour shift was about to meet me in the lobby so that we could go home together. She was that nurse who everybody wanted in their ER. She was a quick learner, fast on her feet, very compassionate and empathetic that she makes up for all the jackasses attitude  doctors who she works with like me. She saw me talking to them, first she thought it was work related so she casually rested her back on the wall and waited for me to join her, looking at me with a smile resembling a sunshine. She did not disturb us as at that point of time we were keeping our relationship a secret. 

Then, this young nurse started hitting on me, putting her manicured fingers on my shoulders. She whispered in to my ears saying that she was free for the night. I smirked at her dangerously thinking about what I could do to her career for crossing the line with me. I held her close to me and whispered the same in her ear " If you like your job, stay away from me". She smiled nodding to not make things awkward and ruin her reputation. 

Finally her group walked away. When I looked for my girl she was not there, rather she was resting her back on the car door typing furiously on the phone. I saw her glare, throw some curses at us and leave which I found as extremely cute but now I am afraid what would happen to me.

When she saw me, she smiled but this smile was different. It was a sinster smile, like she planned something. She did not show her frustation of course but next day when I ended up at the hospital with pink hair on my head, and her winning smirk looking at me every now and then

Remembering how the previous night she seduced me to bed, handcuffed me, only to dye my hair while I am awake taught me a lesson to never mess with my tigress. She was indeed very different. And that same night she made up in the bed for the little prank she played and I gladly forgived her because there was no point of having an ego when she was only marking me as her's. 

I remembered a small snippet of our past and it got tears from my eyes. That happiness was stolen from me and I will make sure that I will get my retribution.

Back at Yashna's  home

Aditya POV

Where is she ?

What happened to her ?

Who took her away ?

It was only last night I saw her and now I lost her. How the hell did she dissapear right in front of our eyes without a trace ? There was not even a ransom call which made me more anxious about her welfare.

Is this the act of somebody who I have knocked heads with ? I own a business and I do have some rivals and competitors but not that shrewd that they would do this to me or us.

Yachna where are you ?

Are you okay ?

Hope you are fine sweetie. Looking at her mom crying non stop since yesterday I decided to inform the higher authorities only to get a depressing phone call.

They found the corpse of my Yashna


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