Chapter 22

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Hello Readers,

To all those people who are die hard fans of Vikram like me, please come together to wish our dearest, kindest, hottest Vikram a very Happy Birthday!!

I really wish from the bottom of my heart, soul and mind that I get to meet him once and wish every fan gets that opportunity

Now you can continue with the story


Vikram POV

In all my life I was never called a liar. I was known to be a douche who was truthful and honest. Ira, found it to be annoyingly attractive but she made peace with that, but there were different set of reasons on why I hid the truth from her.

One being I was reluctant to bring up her time in the mental wellness center and others, well that would be the story for later. I still remember the stage in which I found her and it was not cool. She was a lifeless soul. A broken doll. A scarred women.

I recollected that day very clearly


I was at my hospital when I got a call from Dr. Sahay about a complicated case on his hands. I was a visiting attending there and I went there on his request. It was that time when faces did not matter to me. It was that time when meeting eyes with people did not matter to me, it was that time when I was a lonely, arrogant, snappy and rude person. 

On Dr. Sahay's insistance I decided to check out the patient. I was given the patient history and the stats of the patient was provided by the nurse. I did not even bother talking more than needed with the nurse.

I turned the first page absent mindedly, my eyes fell on the picture stapled and the file fell on the floor with a thud. I looked at the person laying in front of me and took a step back making the equipment beside me fall on the ground


Ira is alive ?

Is this my Ira ?

She mumbled something, she looked different and yet she looked the same. She had a visible scar. Her hands looked like she cut herself. Her face filled with lot of pain. I held her in my arms and shook her to be consious.

The nurse looked at me as if I am mad. I literally yelled at her to leave the room and she ran away worried. This women in my arms opened her eyes for a second, my heart beat rapidly on its own. 

Her: Please dont hurt me ... stay away from me you jerk 

She pushed me and I looked at her startled, she held her head and yelled which is when Dr. Sahay came in, probably by the nurse insistance

Dr. Sahay : Vikram, what the hell were you doing ?

Vikram: Dr. Sahay, this is my Ira. Its Ira, she is angry with me, no wonder she pushed me away 

I tried to go towards her when she hugged the pillow to herself moving towards the wall. Dr. Sahay pushed me away and I was shocked looking at her. Dr. Sahay injected a formula and she slept off, going into deep slumber

Dr. Sahay: Vikram, your wife is dead and did you forget what happened to you after that ? Dont associate with a women who looks like Ira and trouble yourself or her okay ? She is Yashna, 3 years younger than Ira and she has a background. Her fiancee's watch dogs are every where so compose yourself before they throw you out or get your license revoked.

I remembered the death certificate and left the room. After that I got my composure and spoke to Dr. Sahay that I was ready to treat her as a patient. We both did her therapy and we found all the scary details from her present.

We know we could not save her, that is when we let her go with her parents after which Dr. Sahay visited me and told me how she is miserable. Me and him planned the coup and got her to save her from her dark destiny.

Now she is under my roof, asking me to let her go and I am ready too because I dont want those who look at me disgusted, at the end of the day she cannot be my Ira



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