Chapter 19

67 7 18

Yashna POV

I was seated on the dining table writing on the water droplets which was utter gibberish. There was a drizzle owing to the rainy season and I was actually finding the spatter of the rain drops very assuring.

I saw Vikram approaching me and getting seated at the table beside me. Our knees touched and I felt a spark going up my body. Damn, hormones or Damn you Vikram. I looked at him and I know that I have to acknowledge the elephant in the room. He was about to say something and I beat him to it

Me: I am sorry Vikram

He looked at me shocked like he saw a ghost for a second and then he saw his eyes twinkling 

Vikram: I was just about to say the same thing for getting you here without your permission and keeping you in dark. I was confusing which stressed you out

Me: I am sorry because I should not have said those mean things, I just did not know your motive for keeping me here and when I read her diary and saw her picture I was too curious about her. 

Vikram: Wait, you read the diary ? But how ?

Me: I took pictures of it and left the diary back in the room 

Vikram: Werent you afraid I was going to find out 

Me: Nope, I made a plan ... 

I told him how I was succeesful in getting the pictures of the diary and he looked shocked

Vikram: That is why your feet bled the next day. You must be in pain that time

Me: I did not care, I was curious

Vikram: I was wrong you have one similarity to Ira other than the obvious similarities. You both are very determined and very curious

Me: Thank you, anyways I was not done with my apology or my side.

Vikram: Continue

Me: Why are you smiling?

Vikram: You are very bossy. Ira was bossy too

He was smiling, probably remembering a memory. I snapped my fingers in front of him which got his attention

Me: Anyways, I wore her clothes to see if we were really alike and then I thought may be that similarities were the reason you wanted me around you. I know you never made me uncomfortable or used me for your benefits, I should not have run my mouth like that but I was super overwhelmed because there was no straight answer to the mystery sorrounding you. I did not know what you wanted from me, and then you compared both of us and I was angry because her story with you is different than mine, so ofcourse she was going to be loving, caring etc, that is why I punched you. No one I mean no women likes comparision to another girl, especially if it is an unexpected situation

Vikram: Agreed

Me: So, are you going to answer my questions now ? Without suspense ?

Vikram: I am ready to answer your questions but you only have 5 questions for now. Use it wisely

Me: See, this is the reason I get riled up easily. First question or rather I need a confirmation, You had no other motives other than just watching me around you because you miss your wife ? Is that the reason you kidnapped me?

Vikram: You already asked me this

Me: I was angry, we were stressed out and angry so I wanted to see what you would say when you were calm

Vikram: Yes, I just wanted you around me. I did not want to let you go now that I got you. I felt as if somebody has stolen away Ira from me which was an injustice so now it was my time to get my share of happiness after suffering in solitude for 3 years

Me: Okay, how did she die?

Vikram: Accident

Me: Was she alone ?

Vikram: No, I was with her. While I survived, she ...

Me: Were you really that happy. You both ? 

Vikram: Yes, we were going to have our baby

Me: I am sorry to hear all this, about your loss

Vikram: Noted

Me: Her parents, are you in touch with them?

Vikram: That is what you wanted to know ?

Me: I was curious on why you were left lonely when you all reconciled

Vikram: They accepted me for their daughter. She ... When she was no longer there there was no need for me in their life. They blame me for ...

I put my hand on his and for a moment we both looked into each other's eyes, combined with the drizzle, it was some moment

Me: You keep saying I am not like Ira. You say you followed me around, dint you know the obvious differences you keep pointing out when you stalked me ?

Vikram: You were on the road and you helped a little girl from the slums. You saved her from accident. That kindness and compassion + the obvious similarities got me interested

Me: And now that you know me you are dissapointed ? Is that why you are okay to let me go ?

Vikram: I never said that. You do realize we have crossed 5 questions already ? 

Me: I was hoping you would not notice that

Vikram: I am must have been too involved with your questions but I am keeping a count

Me: Are you not going to answer the last question I asked ? Why are you letting me go ?

Vikram: This is the last one I am answering. Yes I got you out of blind passion and arrogance that I can have my women back. But your little differences was enough to be a slap on my face of reality. The kind of love I am with her memories made me realize how angry Ira would be that I did this. So, I am letting you go. I think she would hopefully forgive me then

Me: I have a small request. Actually a very tiny question

Vikram: I will pass if I dont wanna answer

Me: Okay, why did you mention about the revenge you wanted to take from my parents ?

Vikram: Because ..

He kept his hand on mine looking straight in my eyes

Vikram: The same reason why you are reluctant to go back to them. I know the reason and hence in my way, this is a small gift of freedom I am giving you so that you can lead your life as you want

I took a shocking breath in 

Me: You know ??

Vikram: I am a stalker who watched you for a while. Dont you think I will know everything about you ? Especially your trip to deep woods 

I took a deep breathe in and out. He knows what I hid to the world for a long time. He knows I was faking some things. He knows the real me

Oh god 

Oh god

Oh god 


Hello Dears,

Here is the new update

So Yashna knows that Vikram knows what her family does not know 

Confusing right ?

Wait for the twist and stay tuned

Hope you like it

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