Chapter 4

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Aditya POV

When the higher anuthorities informed me that they found a corpse which matched the description given by us we all rushed there to identify the body. The car was pulled out of a lake and it had water pouring out of all sides. Once it was in front of us they slowly removed a body and put it in front of us. 

It was a burnt body and from the talks between the officials it was sure that the women has been strangled. She was also assualted before she was killed. I still did not believe that she was dead but when they bought in her saari which she was supposed to wear for the wedding, her jewelry and accessories I felt a strange fear grip my heart.

I wanted them to do an autopsy and finally from her dental records, her hair and her blood type they had confirmed that it was indeed her.  Yes, Yashna is dead as confirmed by medical sciences.

First, I was in denial, I felt numb about everything which was happening around me, even when her parents wailed at the loss of their daughter, I was cool. But, when they took the corpse to be burnt according to hindu rituals, I know then that she would be gone any minute. At that point of time I died inside realizing I lost her.

I lost my Yashna and whoever did this will regret when he decided to mess with Aditya's fiancee. I will make sure of that.

Yashna POV

I was reading a novel and I found myself involved with the plot which had a lots of twists and turns. And how did I get this book ? That was the nobel charity from my kidnapper. Yes, this room had a tv, loaded with all the OTT channels. It also had a huge custom made book case which had all my favorite genres like thriller, romance, mystery, crime and drama. There was a kindle app preuploaded and I could download as many books as I can.

There was a mini work out area in the room with a threadmill, yoga mat and weights. I was also graciously allowed to go on supervised walks with the devil himself gracing me with his presence. It is not like he talks a lot but he just walks along side me without talking anything and when I snap he reacts in such a way which annoys me to the core.

I was too involved in my novel to notice Vikram waltzing in with a smirk on his face until he whistled like a road side romeo

Vikram: Hello, Ms.Tigress. Are you not going to ask why I am happy today ?

Me: If I wouldnt ask would that mean it will shut you up and you will leave this room ?

Vikram: Nope, because I have a wonderful news. I feel like I have gained the whole world

Me: So, the devil has managed to conquer the world outside ? Its a shame you havent been able to do the same with the girl next door

I shrugged and he smirked

Vikram: Actually, I did win you over 

Me: And you are delusional

Vikram: Although I would love to lose for you but no, I am serious, look

He played a video, connecting his phone and that is when I saw something which made my blood boil and my mind numb. In front of me, was a news channel which had my picture pinned on the side. There was a corpse in the middle covered with a blanket on top. My parents were crying near my corpse and Aditya looked shocked and shaken.

Then I read the caption "Ms. Yashna Raman kidnapped, abused and strangled after which her body was burned. Autopsy confirmed that this was indeed her body. Its a deep sadness to see a soon to be bride die". 

The book I was holding fell from my hands and I fell down on the floor. Tears sprung from my eyes and Vikram sat in front of me, he was about to wipe the tears when I held his hand pushing it away.

Me: Did you murder me in front of the world ? Why does the world think I am dead

Vikram: Well, the body they got, in autopsy its been matched with you

Me: Why would it be matched to me?

Vikram: They got your wedding saree and jewelry on spot which you were wearing that day. The DNA matched with your's once they collected the hair samples and dental records.

I ran to my closet and saw that the wedding saree and the jewelry were indeed missing. I went back to the room and he was folding his hands waiting for my next move

Me: I cannot believe you would kill an offspring in front of her own parents. I thought you were some weirdly wired kidnapper but you turned out to be a murderer too who murdered a person's identity in front of people and why ?? No one knows

Vikram: Yashna ...

Me: I am I really Yashna now? You made sure I dont exist in front of the world, jackass. And what was that crap about abuse and ..

Vikram: The corpse I set up, it was of a young women who died after an abuse ...

Me: You fucker ... do you know what is worse for parents? To see their child in pain, now you have given them a dead child and that to a girl who was abused. An unnatural, painful death. Did you know it is the worst punishment you could give to them ?

Vikram: I do, but I am selfish and I wanted you. For every action, there is an equal reaction and this was my reaction and I dont think it would really affect them, they are stone hearted like me

Me: What did they ever do to you

Vikram: They made me a walking corpse by .......

Me: What ?

Vikram: Stay tuned for more fun revelations. Tata ...


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