Chapter 8

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Vikram POV

I sat down on the bay window seat of the bedroom looking at the soft pour of the drizzle. The natural scent of the soil, the splatter of rain drops on the ground and the far off thunder made me relax in to my seat with a comforter wrapped around me.

It is nights like this that I miss her so much and now a days her memories play in front of my eyes even more after Yashna was bought in to stay under the same roof. I went and looked at the photo album, slowly running my fingers on the pictures like she was in front of me and I was touching her again.

I hugged the album to myself and went back to the past when I first saw her. 

A few years ago

The OR was flooded today because of the lightening and the storm outside. There were lots of casualities because of  the pouring rain and slippy roads while I was incharge of attending to each one of them as there might be a chance that the drivers might have a concussion or a bleed.

There were about 3 patients, one was a pregnant driver, another one was a old heart patient and a kid so I had to work with professionals from other casualities. We have managed to stop the bleeding,run labs to ensure they were doing well and discharge them after keeping them for observation for a day. I left home to get some sleep after being on my feet for 28 hours. The pregnant lady driver started having seizures at the middle of the night and I was paged. As I was the assigned doctor I had to go back in and by the time I came I heard a chorus of relieved smiles and laughter. 

The pregnant women looked fine now. I checked her stats, although a spike in it a few minutes ago she seemed perfectly normal now. I walked out with the team in the room and talked to them, actually yelled at them

Me: Who is that dimwit who paged me saying that there was an emergency when the patient is clearly doing okay ?

Nurse 1: Sir, she was having seizures and the on call doctor was paged but we could not get hold of them. 

Me: Then how did she get well ? You guys sure you have not misread her nightmares as seizures 

Nurse 2: It was seizures sir, but the thing is the on call doctor was in an another surgery and then we paged you but as it was an emergency ...

Me: What ?

Nurse 1: Ira was quick on her feet and she administered her with the AED drugs and ECT which got her back. Then, considering she was a patient who was in a head on collision she took an MRI, the girl had an aneurysm and now we can treat her well ...

Me: Who the hell is Ira ?

They pointed to the person standing beside them and I finally looked at the person they were pointing at with attention. This women was tall like those models wearing a light blue scrubs. Her hair was tied in a high bun and her face had all the right features. Her eyes were as big as it can get, her nose was cute as a button and her lips dry but in the shade of cherries and her neck long ... I realized I was zoned out by the passing people and cleared my throat

Me: Ira, are you a doctor ?

Ira: No, I am a nurse

Me: I thought so too, but isnt it irresponsible of you to go ahead and risk the career of all the people on the floor by going ahead and doing something so stupid and dangerous ? You are a nurse, not a doctor and certainly not a god for going ahead and doing that. Next time, before you decide to use your brain in this way, think before you act on it. I am sorrounded by fools.

I walked off from there not before I saw her eyes tearing up and her body shivering. I was an ass, I know. I walked off to fellow doctors who would be assisting me on the case and decided to schedule a surgery as soon as possible to nick the aneurysm.

I was preparing for the surgery when I heard a confident knock on the door. It was the same nurse who I yelled at a few hours ago, Ira

Ira: I heard you scheduled the operation. I was right wasnt I ? It was a aneurysm ?

I was surprised at the confidence she portrayed 

Me: Yes, it was 

She bit her lip probably contemplating if she should speak further or not and she decided to talk

Ira: Can you give me your 10 mins so that we could talk ?

Me: You are already talking to me

Ira: Not like this, right now you are more of a superior to us so if you give me permission I would like to talk to you as if you were my fellow collegue

Me: Okay, go ahead. You have 5 minutes

Ira: Oh hi, did you know I met the biggest you know who today? I was right in my diagnosis. It was not a blind arrogant risk rather it was a calculated one. I knew how it works, I have seen medical documentaries on this and didnt that resident Dr. Vikram write a paper on AED's and how it helps? We all know how administered shocks could save a life. I was right, and yet that dude humilated me and walked all over me, demeaning my skill and quick thinking.

I smiled at how she expressed herself 

Me: You are right he was an ass and you did a great job with your quick thinking. That Dr. Vikram has to appreciate you for that but not that im taking his side but let me ask you a question. How experienced are you in this field ?

Ira: 6 months

Me: Great so, do you know even the experienced doctors who are of 10 or 15 years of experience makes mistakes which makes them lose a patient. That doctor not only loses a life but he has to answer to the hospital management, lawyers and fellow doctors. 

Imagine you made a simple mistake or that did not work or rather she got more worse the whole team who backed you would have taken the heat, more importantly your head. This hospital could be sued too. So, you understand why that ass must have yelled ?

Ira nodded

Ira: So what should I have done ? In that situation 

Me: Wait for the on call attending, directly call them on the phone and share the ideas if they are delayed. Get the resident doctor on call that night to run your ideas ... but I have to say, it was the quick thinking of you that saved this womens life, good work.

Ira nodded and stood to go out 

Me: You are scrubbing in that procedure today. Be prepared

She nodded and I stood up from my seat as a respect. She deserved that today. She smiled and  left my office.

That day, that meeting cemented our destined relationship



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All the doctor stuff writing - Credit goes to, Greys Anatomy Episodes



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