Chapter 32

34 4 12

Vikram POV 

It took us an hour to get out of our sulky sad moods and gather the strength to go forward and get ready for our 1st date after our reunion. We hugged and cried holding each other for a while, we reminised all the fun moments of our relationship trying to divert our hearts from the agony and then finally the anticipation of what really happened that day made our resolve stronger to get up, heal and stay happy which was what our near ones did not want, so why give them the satisfaction ?

Ira wore a western dress after ages today. She wore a floral top and paired it with black fitting trousers as she hates the material of jeans. She wore a cardigan as it was cooler outside, she put her hair in a high pony, she applied very light make up, highlighting her eyes which she knows I like.

I wore a casual shirt, with a jerkin and paired it with trousers too. I was about to comb my hair when madam came and just styled it with her fingers while I enjoyed the affection she was showering along with her perfume. 

While I was going towards the car she stopped and folded her arms in front of herself like a kid

Me: What ?

Ira: I want to go on the bike with my husband

Me: Bike? But Ira ...

Ira: Bike or I will sulk

Me: Fine

I went and opened the garage. It took us 10 minutes to clean that good old bike and 20 mins for the mechanic to service it. Why did she insist for the bike ride ? She affectionately came in front of me, put on my helmet locking it and I did the same to her. She sat down behind me, hugging me close to herself, laying her head on my shoulder blade

I already started liking this date idea

Me: So why insist on this Bike ride chellam ? Werent you always afraid of this ?

Ira: I was but once I started trusting you, whenever we wanted to chill, we used to take this bike out for a small drive ending it with street food. Those were our memories when we were dating, I wanted to recreate that and start from the beginning ... Like no time has passed

Me: You are forgetting we are more older Ira

Ira: Are you saying I look old ?

Me: No baba, I am saying we are way more mature now and ..

Ira: No need to cover up, I know you are just afraid that you would not have the same charisma and control on your bike as you did before 

Me: What ?? Ira, I will make you take your words back and all I meant was since the time we found out we were pregnant we seldom used the bike so I wondered your interest

Ira: Just wanted to hug you like this, banter this way, inhale your scent and live the past again as if no time has passed. I wish we did not lose the time Vikram .. anything to hold on to that

I stopped the bike at the tea stall we used to hang out and got down, sitting on the bench. As soon as they saw us the lady whistled in excitement

Nandini:  Anna, Anni ... Long time 

Me: Hi Nandu, our special tea and cookies pls 

Ira: Hi Nandu, you have grown more beautiful since I have seen you. Where are your parents ?

Nandini: My mom is working as a cook akka in a 3 star restaurant. Good money, my dad has gone for inventory, I am managing the shop till then, you know akka soon I will be working with SBI ?

Ira: That is wonderful Nandu, congratulations !!

Nandini: I wanted Appa to relax, but he says this shop fed us for so many years until I got educated. It is the famous one on highway and close to picnic spot. He said, until he is alive he will work here

Ira: That is passion Nandu, let him work and be independent. We love this cost effcient place, as people who just started working this tea and tiffin joint was our heaven

Nandini smiled and went in while we both sat down on the wooden chairs which was custom made by the adamant roots of the trees and used as a homely, cottage vibe of this place. Ira rested herself on me and started sipping the tea from the clay glass slurping like a little girl and I could not hold my giggle any longer.

She scrunched her nose at me and I kissed her seeing how cute she still was. Just as Ira was a few years ago. We thought of just having cookies but then they made fresh dhokla, which was one of their speciality and we gulped them down, thinking to skip lunch.

I drove us to our secret lake spot which we had discovered early on in our relationship. The owner was a mentor of mine who had this private property and then when he heard that I wanted a special place to take her out on our anniversary, he offered this cabin. 

The first time Ira saw the small lake with swans, the wooden rustic deck, the boat and the hilly regions her eyes twinkled. Her eyes just welled up. We both ran to that place, holding our hands and when we saw the nature it was like we were young and in love.

As expected Ira saw the nature but this time in sunlight, the lake looked like diamonds because of the hide and seek of sunrays. The birds were much more active now and she closed her eyes turning towards me. She held my hand in hers, pushing herself close to me and hugged me

There at that moment we know we were that old Ira and Vikram. The one who got really lucky at love. We both enjoyed the songs of the birds, the chime of the lake and the leaves rustling, slowly we opened our eyes.

I held her cheeks in my hands and looked at her like I was seeing her for the first time after years. Until now, I was in daze, my logical, musculine, boring side was active but in this second it was that lover in me who was reborn looking at his wife.

My wife Ira Vikram

My beautiful, curvy, strong, bossy, funny wife who fought death to be with me and then slowly I kissed her on her lips, touching my upper lip beneath hers, and lower lip above her's. When she moaned at the spark I picked her up in my arms, still kissing her and laid her on the deck continuing to kiss her. I moved my hands touching her body slowly but not in a rush as I wanted to cherish each moment.

When I ended we both looked at each other in daze ..Her hands still holding my shirt

Ira: Vikram, make me yours will you ?

Me: Do you have to ask ?

Then we just ran out of there like dogs were behind us heading towards our home to ..


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