Chapter 36

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Me: Are you guys going to open your mouth and tell me what the hell happened to my baby ?

The doctor and Aditya's assistant looked at each other

Dr.Raj: Aditya ordered that we kill the baby 

As soon as he said that, I latched on to him like a ghost took over my body


I strangled the doctor by his neck, while David did not try to stop me rather he was having his dose of entertainment. Vikram looked pissed like, if it is not for me then he would have beaten this guy into a pulp like a mango

Vishal : Mam, calm down please. Aditya ordered that we kill the baby but truth was you were already in a bad state once you arrived at hospital. Aditya asked the Dr. Raj to kill the baby, but the truth was that, you had a lot of blood loss. 

It was either your life or your kid's life. Either way it was favoring him. The doctor said the truth when he came out and told the parents about making the choice between their daughter or their grand child but Aditya rejoiced that the doctor was playing his part well and paid him extra.

I glared at Dr. Raj and went close to him

Me: Look into my eyes, an eyes of a women. The same women who gave birth to greedy people like you. Look into my eyes and tell me that, you tried your best to save my baby. If you will lie I will know. A mother always knows the stinky lie you sucker !!

Dr. Raj folded his hands in front of me and Vikram

Dr. Raj : I was greedy yes, I did make the death certificate but when I started the procedure on her with the OBGYN, we saw you lost a lot of blood. Yes, you got lucky with the bullet, it was through & through but the accident caused a shift inside. 

The chord was around the baby's neck. If it was a healthy mom we would have tried but you were bleeding and the baby was pre mature. We did a C section and took the baby out but it was barely breathing. We put the baby in ventilator. The baby lost its fight after 6 hours of being born. 

Me: Oh my god 

I lost my feet and Vikram held me. I turned towards him and his eyes were already shedding tears

Me: Vikram, Aditya played a part in killing our baby. That sucker, that jerk, that jack ass, he fired a bullet and he caused an accident which took away my baby's life. The baby which lived for 6 hours Vikram but it had no one to hold ..

Me: Was it a boy or a girl ?

Dr. Raj: Girl

Me: It was a girl Vikram. We would have had a girl, she fought for 6 hours, but we could not even hold her. Do you think our touch would have saved her ? Do you think if we were not in coma we would have done something ?

Dr. Raj: I am sorry Ira, the baby was not going to ...

Me: Dont say it, our baby was all alone Vikram, it did not have anybody to hold her

Dr. Raj: She did

Me: What ?

Dr. Raj: Your mother she held your baby for those hours before your daughter passed away. She was not alone. 

Me: She was not alone ? My mother held her ?

Dr. Raj: Yes 

Me: Did she also cremate her ?

Dr.Raj nodded 

Me: Vikram, I need to see my baby once. If she was cremated I need to see her once Vikram, please. I know for this we have to visit my mom and expose ourselves but ...

Vishal: Mam, I know where your child was cremated

Me: What ?

Vishal: Yes, ofcourse Aditya, your dad did not want to get involved in this but mam was insistant that she gets a proper burial. Aditya and your dad stayed back keeping a watch on you like a hawk while your mother went and did the burial

Me: Please, can you take us there ?

He nodded and we drove behind him but to our surprise he stopped in our old mansion where we used to live before our accident to hide

Me: Why did you bring us over here ?

Vishal: Mam said that this is the place where the life of the young one begin, this is the place where it should rest 

He showed us the spot in the garden. It was right beneath the rose plants

I frowned at the assistant

Vishal : Mam, planted the rose plants around, she said something about existing of thorns and roses in the same world ...So even if the little child could not survive it will survive like this

I collapsed in Vikram's arms and Vikram held me while crying to himself

Vishal: You know mam, your mother thought once you wake up you will be back in this house and although the truth might hurt you the growing roses will give you strength to move on with Vikram. 

But, to shock of your mother you woke up with no memory and your dad was brainwashed by Aditya and in a way even your mom was manipulated into thinking that if not for that case, that Vikram was fighting then Ira would not be in trouble and her baby would have been alive. That was when, her mom let everything happen in front of her eyes. It was not like she ever had a say anyways ...

Me: You are right, my mom never had a say and I would like to know why 


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Here is the second update of the day

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