Chapter 28

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Vikram POV 

I looked at her with doubt

What is she even doing here?

She came close to me and snapped her fingers in front of me 

Me: Hoow aree you here? I mean, what are you doing here Yashna ?

I was actually stuttering ? What is wrong with me 

Yashna: Its Ira, I am Ira Vikram 

Saying that she casually twirled around and sat in front of me on the couch near the window, while I sat down with her on the same couch like she was a live electrical wire. She smiled, fluttering her eyes. Is she trying to cast a magic on me ?

She sat and leaned back on the hand of the couch with her leg rested on another. Her hands were placed as if she was in a portrait, one on the couch's backrest and other one casually swinging on the side of the couch. The air cooler which was switched on blew a slight breeze exposing the curvy midriff to me. I opened my mouth and a waterfall could fall off before I composed myself and looked elsewhere

Yashna: Why are you sweating Vikram ? The air cooler is on you know ?

Me: What are you doing here ? I believe I asked this question

Yashna: Yeah you did. Should I answer the question ? 

She gave me a teasing glance and I ran my fingers through my hair

Me: Uhh yeah 

Yashna: Until you tell me the truth I am not moving from here 

Me: What truth ?

Yashna: Seriously, you are going to play dumb ? The hot shot, intelligent doctor is going to act like he knows nothing while he is the main culprit who knows everything about me ? My mind, my heart, my soul ?

Her eyes filled with two set of tears she took my hand in her's and placed it right above her heart

Yashna: Meet my eyes and tell me I am your Ira, Vikram

I could feel her heart beat, I could look at her coffee brown eyes in which I could glance for atleast few hours. I cannot tell her the truth, her mind is pretty fragile and ...

Me: I dont know what you are talking about

Yashna: Cool, you are going to act like that then suit yourself my dear Dr. Husband 

She walked to my bed and slept casually on her back, the fiber of her saree pulled back exposing her belly now, and I looked at her with a glare while she look at her exposed self and shrugged with innocent eyes

Yashna: You are my husband, its okay for you to watch

While she said that my eyes were fixed on a very thin diamond waist chain. God, why are you torturing me ? She got this from the locker too ? How did she know about this ? She looked at me with a very sweet melting smile and gestured me to sleep next to her and I did that with caution, putting cushions in between while she looked at me amused. She pulled my cheeks, she freaking pulled my cheeks.

Yashna: I cannot believe you are such a gentleman, because from what I remember, you were kind of that guy who looked for opportunities to seduce me, get close to me, make love to me. 

She said that while she slept on her side carelessly with her hand on mine. God she is testing my patience, this women. She shook her head in a mocking way and took the remote off the drawer. She switched on the TV which was placed on the ceiling, I know it was rare but she loved watching the stars or some movies in asleep position so I did that.

Yashna: I know you made this arrangement because I love watching movies and the stars on the ceiling. Mostly stars and the sky, you did this for me isnt it ?

Me: Ira ... 

Ira: Now you got my name right 

She switched on a video, the footage of the CCTV from the hospital and I know now, that she knows the whole truth. When that footage ended I slowly slipped close to her and her eyes held the same emotions. Slipping my hand from under hers, I moved my hand on her temple.

Me: Are you okay ? Do you feel any pain ? Because when you had visions ..

Ira: I used to feel the head aches coming, and the meds used to pause the visions and head aches right?

I nodded

Me: Then how?

Ira: I always got these visions and I told my parents blindly, they got scared and took me to a doctor and ordered them to give me a meds to reduce the visions in the pertext of head aches. But, the visions never stopped. First, it was the illustrations of your face, not the complete face but glimpses of it, your eyes, your touch, your voice, your aura. When Aditya tried to molest me, it was like your thoughts made me want to put bullets through his head. I was being loyal to you and grew mad at what was happening. 

They misdiagnosed me as Shizophernia and referred me to Dr. Sahay and that changed my life for better. In the drowsy state, I could see your glimpse and know you were safe for me, but that procedure took away the memories in that period but not the visions. 

When I started living with you, when you took care of me or touched me or roamed close to me my visions got better and bolder. It used to strike me as a bolt of current, too sudden but even you thought it was upsetting my brain and gave me those meds. I took them but knowing Ira, I always used to feel like its me. When I walked out and went to my home, I started having these visions, but the dose of those meds were over. So, when they apperaed I took note of them. It was your face, it was us happily living together. It had David, it had our neighbour, it had our maid. 

I went to an another psychologist and told him, I am getting parts of my memory back after the accident and he hypnotised me and helped me get more clarity on this. 

Me: But how did you do all this David was your driver, he was always around you

She smiled a sinster smile and took my hand placing it on her waist

Ira: Well, I had my ways, now you sleep, it was a long day for you. I will be right here amd we can talk more

She winked and I know there was another revelation coming up but the feel of her so close to me made me smile in pleasure and comfort. I breathed in her scent and aura and she looked at me with her eyes twinkling

Ira: What ?

Me: Welcome back Ira, you have a lot of answering to me but for now, I am tired 

Ira: Then sleep my husband

She ran her hands through my face, exploring my features 

Ira: Exactly like my visions

I smiled my dimpled smile at her while she slowly ran her fingers through my hair exactly like she did in the past when I was stressed. Before I fell asleep she slept off while I kept looking at her for a minute. I gave her an eskimo kiss and placed my head close to her's

Me: It feels like a dream


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To all my loyal readers who were waiting for my story. Here is the chapter.

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