Chapter 24

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Vikram POV

I sat in my room looking at the sleeping Yashna or should I saw Ira and looked back at our happy picture albums. No matter how happy we were fate has decided to play a spoil sport. I still remember how or what events led to me losing Ira or how happy we were before one moment changed everything. 

The memories appeared as a fast forward footage and I could see all the past happening in front of me like it was happening again

Past (A few days before our fate changed & that unfateful wrecked day)

4 months ago we found out that Ira was expecting our baby and both of us could not contain our excitements. Our days were much more hopeful, we got a new calender and started marking the days in them, like the important landmarks on when we actually found out we were pregnant or when she started having her nausea or when she started feeling better or when her belly grew a few inches. She was in her 5th month now and she was glowing, her curves were much more visible and her eyes always had happy tears.

Ofcourse there are times when she wakes up from her nightmares, one day she wakes up, puts me in the spot and starts asking me if I will grow tired of her with her growing body and strech marks and slight pigmentation. Then I had to console her and show her through my love by making passionate love to her and how much I crave for her mentally, emotionally and physically all the time and it was only because of the pregnancy that I was a bit careful.

The next day she wakes up and starts crying saying that it was her happy tears that she was so blessed to have me in her life while I held her amused at the way she behaves differently everyday although losing my sleep over it I did enjoy the childish sweet moments. The mature Ira turning into a demanding toddler.

One day I woke up and did not see her beside me. I was worried if she has secretly sneaked off to get a scoop of the ice old ice cream. Although she hates ice creams, she started craving for it now a days. I went down stairs and what I saw broke my heart. A box full of her childhood pictures lay spawled on the ground before her and she was looking at them and shedding tears like a kid who scraped her knee on the road after their bicycle ride. She missed her parents.

I sat beside and she looked at me in the eyes with her big, teary eyes. Yep, right at that moment I knew what to do. I put my staff incharge of her safety and visited her parents home. They did not invite me, rather they closed the gates on my face, but I stood there in the sunlight and then rain until they heard my piece. Their neighbours convinced them to hear what I had to say. When they heard that Ira was pregnant they did not react and I came back to her. After a week, we heard a knock and that is when we saw that her parents came to get aquainted with us.

The happiness that was shown on her face was priceless. I gave her the space so that she could spend a lot of her free time with her parents but at night she used to show me how grateful she was for getting her such beautiful gift.

A few weeks have gone by, her mother was affectionately speaking to me and cooking my favorite dishes while Ira looked emotional through out. Her dad was a tough man, but he started exchanging formal pleasantries.

They had to go to a temple in an another town for a special puja.  As Ira was on bed rest she was with me at home. That night after we enjoyed a heartful meal, we stood by the balcony enjoying the calm wind, a whiff of cinnamon in the air. She was hugging me, hiding her face in my neck and I enjoyed the moment when suddenly she got away from my embrace and pushed me away from her. I was still reeling from the sudden events when I felt a bullet going scraping on the side of her temple. She collapsed in my arms.

I was confused, shocked and angry at the turn of events. I wanted to go after the truth but my wife's bleeding to death made me run. I picked her up and ran towards our car passing all the traffic lights, voilating all the rules trying to get to hospital.

Right at that moment, I saw a faint light on my side and I lost balance of the car, which was when a car crashed into right at that moment and I knew I was going to lose her. I wished I would lose my life too right then.

My eyes close at their own, the last memory being my bleeding, unconsious wife.


Hello All

Here is the new update

I had back to back family functions and I fell down the stairs so lots of drama due to which I could not upload

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