Chapter 6

59 5 16

Yashna POV

This Vikram is so tiresome though he might disagree and call me delusional for saying that. So yesterday was my first day of work. I drove with him to work and there was always a bodyguard in civil clothes watching our every move, may be they are just watching my move so that they dont escape in the madness of the hospital.

Vikram wears a shirt and a trousers suiting that to work with a V neck sweater as he says it is cold in the hospital. He has trimmed his beard to the bare minimum and he sprays on a cologne which makes every girl weak in the knees. Yep, he knows every trick in the book. Even when I was driving with him in a confined space I could smell the essence of his cologne. 

When he walks into the hospital, every person over there gives him special respect and nurses kind of gawk at him with drool. If they knew the truth about him then they might be running the opposite way like they are in jurassic park. Its only the mighty strong me who is surviving with him.

I was taken to the human resourses department and was introduced to them by Vikram itself. They had provided me with an induction and my tag and I wore it with pride. That is the thing when we get the tag of our first job it almost feels like a medal for all the hard work we have done in our life to reach that.

Vikram chuckled at my excitement and took me to the neuro department where his cabin was. The space was neat and tidy and an additional desk and chair was already arranged for me. His desk had a few journals, his laptop and additional equipment, an official phone, his coat and note pads.

He shared me his online calendar with his patient files which he is dealing right now and asked me to take a scan and create my own system where we both could access the information together. The thing about Vikram is that he is very serious and particular when he is at work. He shows a great deal of patience with his patients and makes sure each of the questions they had for him is answered.

Next we went to visit all the pre op and post op patients and I took notes of all the conversations they were having. If I had any doubts I troubled him through out the day with questions. He scheduled couple of operations for early mornings and I was also supposed to oversee it with him so, while he spawled out in the day bed in his office I found the on call rooms with bunk beds to sleep until the operations.

While he is mostly cool as a cucumber and efficient he can get very snappy in the early mornings before his big operations. He had to oversee one while he had to do one procedure on his own. That made him snap at me in the morning hours, when he ordered me to get his coffee in a particular way and I could not get it as he liked because I dont drink coffee or it could also be because I wanted to make him suffer for ordering me to do a menial task for him when I am there for helping him.

He drank that awfully made coffee and yet he did a flawless job with the operation and also forwarded a few post op instructions to the nurses which I was surprised that I understood. Finally at 3 AM we were on the way home, I cannot believe I have managed to survive the first day with this devil. Vikram switched on the stereo and it was playing my kind of Mani Ratnam music. 

I dont know what is in that lyrics that I relaxed in to the seat and looked at the empty streets outside, breathing in the air. 

Vikram: So, are you going to admit that you purposefully messed up the coffee order

Me: What ??? Why would I ever do that to my favorite boss ?

Even while faking it I could not control my smirk

Vikram: You see that devilish, winning smirk you gave right now ? It was exactly that smile which ratted you out. I snapped and ordered you to get a coffee, while leaving the OR you were sulking but when you handed me the cup, I could see the visible smirk 

Me: I ....

Vikram: Save it, well played. I shouldnt have dumped orders on you through out the day, like that juice without pulp, the coffee without sugar, the mocha latte, the fresh garden salad. I should have ordered on my own.

Me: A gentle request would have saved you a long day and you would have avoided drinking that bitter juice with more pulp, coffee with 10 sachets of sugar and a pinch of salt, and the tasteless bad combo salad

Vikram: I am sorry Yashna

Me: Okay, apology accepted

He relaxed into the car now 

Vikram: So what do you want to talk about ?

Me: On how annoyingly energetic you are being after a long day at work

Vikram: You got to blame that extra sugar 

I smiled at that he gave me a dimpled smile

Vikram: We will be home in 10 mins, dont nod off before that. I would not be able to carry you inside 

Me: Are you saying I am fat ???

He gulped, stuttering

Vikram: What ? Ofcourse not, I am just saying I am too tired and weak to lift you because I can doze off any minute

I glared at him while he gulped again

Vikram: I promise, you are in the best shape and you are the most gorgeous women I have ever seen

I opened my mouth wide in suprise at his direct compliment and he focused on his driving after that. Unlucky for him, I think I dozed off in the next minute in the car listening to the song and he had to carry me, I know this because I woke up in my own bed next morning 

Is he really a devil or I am I being a fool for being comfortable with a devil ?



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