Chapter 29

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I was in deep comfortable slumber. It has been a while since I had a sleep like this. The room was cool, fresh air making its way from the open windows in the room. It made the hair on my nape and the hair strands on my forehead dance.

The hair strands fell on my nose and I slowly scrunched it about to move the hair away when a strong hand bet me to it. The hair was tucked behind my ear and a slow sweet kiss on my nose was pecked like a early morning dew made my body erupt in goose bumps.

I opened my eyes slowly and my heart beat wildly at the vision of my sexy, charming and kind husband looking, staring into my eyes with an amused smile, his dimples making me smile too

Me: You woke up ?

Vikram: Yeah, could not sleep. Actually I did not want to sleep, I was afraid that I will close my eyes and you will vanish away like in my dreams

His eyes held honest sadness and fear of losing me. I looked at the way we were tucked in with each other. We were both facing each other, his hand holding mine, his forehead touching my forehead. I did not know how to console or assure him because right now at this point of time, it does feel like a very fairy tale kind of dream for me. I can never imagine I had so many beautiful memories locked inside my memory and while it made its apperances through visions now I am angry at myself for not putting two and two together before. Atleast when this face made its way to my visions and I felt so deeply connected to him even though he vexed me before as I thought he was kidnapper.

I kept my hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes

Me: It does feel like a dream isnt it ? Believe me when I say this, I cannot say how grateful I am that my memories came back to me at the right time. In a way I have you to thank, my kidnapper/ husband

He deeply chuckled and this was a sound I recognized, I pulled myself closer to him and he raised his eyebrows in question. I kissed him on his forehead and he sighed like I just gave him a relieving massage. 

Vikram: This is heaven 

I smiled at his choice of words while he touched my features with his fingers with a lot of softness to his touch

Vikram: You have a lot of questions to answer

Me: I am ready to answer but dont you think its too early in the morning and I am still drowsy ?? 

Vikram: Wait, is the recollections paining you ?

Me: No, I am just sleepy, you know me & I am here for the whole life so start with easy questions so that I can hug my husband, get some power nap and talk in my sleep with him

I winked and he chuckled

Vikram: Yep, you are my Ira. The lazy, sleepy better half who loves to chat while snuggling 

Me: Now, shoot your questions

Vikram: Do you even remember the history of the saree you are wearing or is it just a coincidence ?

Me: Vikram, it was our wedding day. After signing our marraige certificate and getting hitched at the temple we both came back to this mansion. You gave me a traditional welcome, requesting our full time maid as there were no women in this house. You made me wait in the other bedroom where I was staying a few months ago while you ordered me to not come out until you come to get me. I saw that you arranged a big bubble bath for me. Once I came out, you handed me a bag and walked out with a proud smile while the maid and the beautician helped me get ready in this saree. You gifted this saree to me on our wedding day Vikram. 

He smiled at that and his eyes glowed that I do remember that day 

Me: Once I was ready you sent off the maid and the beautician and took me to our room by lifting me in your arms. You decorated the room as naturally as you can. With some fresh garlands, some warm cozy lights, with a memory wall filled with our dating pictures and then you also got an artist who painted a portrait on how we would look like a married couple as our photos were still under development. You were still unsure if I was ready for the next step of our relationship and when you asked me the same question, I hugged you close, taking in your showery, spicy essence and slowly kissed you on your cheek giving you my consent. It was the day we finally became one baring each other of all inhabitations and finally uniting as a husband and wife.

Me: The next morning was like this too but you were only charming me for round 3 while here you are trying to guage my memory 

I rolled my eyes at him while he pulled me to himself looking deep into my eyes

Vikram: You really are back, you remember the moments which made us 

I nodded and tear drops appeared in my eyes

Me: Vikram, I am sorry for being off grid for too long. I am so sorry .. you had to go through this

Vikram: I am sorry that it is because of me that you were in trouble in first place

Me: That is utter nonsense and you know that is not the truth

Vikram: You do remember why I am saying this dont you ?

Me: Dude, I do but I am telling you its not your fault 

Vikram: As if ... if I did not do ...

Me: Shut up !! You are not at fault because ....


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