Chapter 10

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Aditya POV

It has been a month since Yashna has died but the thought that she is no longer here still hurts me to the core. I go to her room and look at her stuff in it. I grab her stole and the essence of that fiber comforts me to the core.

Yashna's dad comes inside the room and pats me on my back trying to comfort me

Yashna's dad: Son, I know you love her a lot. It is just her bad luck that she was not able to experience that. Dont know what bad sins she had done in the past to lose out on the love like this

Me: It is not her fault uncle. I need to find that bloody guy who snatched my Yashna away from me. I will find him and kill him with my hands, that day I will treat the whole town

Saying that I walked out of the room meeting the sub inspector for the 10 th time to find any clues in regards to Yashna's death but to my horror all I got was a huge talk on moving on.

I walk out of the station and go back to my home where my mom was waiting for me

Mom: Aditya, you have gotta stop obsessing about her. She has been dead about 1 month but you are acting like you are the dead man here. We are your parents, we cant see you like this

Aditya: Mom, since the time I saw Yashna at my 8th birthday party you know I have been in love with her. She came with her parents,  you all were close and us too. As she grew it was decided by us that we would get married but ...I lost her mom. I wont forgive god for that

Saying that I rushed to my room for some solitude. Would I ever be able to forget my Yashna?

Vikram's POV

It has been a month since Yashna came to stay with me, or rather was forced to stay with me but I think after watching the Dhruva Nachitram movie with me, that day the dynamic between us changed. She is in much more ease with me. We spend a lot of time together after our shifts at hospitals, it could be something as simpler as playing a game of UNO cards or it could be watching the waves in the evenings when she throws the stones in the water. She loves the sound of a rock hitting the water.

Simpler things make Yashna very happy. Like, if she inputs my data correctly and I happen to appreciate her, she feels happy and when I snap at her then that day she can throw her tantrums, refuse to talk to me until I apologize to her.

Was the presence of Yashna making me replace Ira's memories with her ? That made me sad. I went to my bedroom and looked at the picture of Ira in her hospital uniform. She was very proud to be a nurse and we could see the pride in her eyes when we discharged the pregnant lady and she gifted Ira with a beautiful dress as a thank you after her successful surgery.


It was 4:00 AM and I was still in the middle of the pregnant lady's brain trying to clip all the bleeds. It was taking a while for me to go through the process and while waiting to see if the clip was holding the bleed, my eyes fell on Ira.

She handed me a better clip for a wild bleed and my eyes met her's even with the mask and head caps we normally use during the operation. Her eyes looked excited to be part of this process. Her smile took away all the tired ness I had. Once I plugged all the bleeds I declared the operation as success.

I went and announced her status to her family and when I walked back I saw Ira by the nurses station. Her mask was removed and she was massaging her neck and streching her back

Ira: Damn it was such a big surgery. It took a lot of time and tiring but at the end it was so worth it to watch the process. So glad he asked me to scrub in on the surgery

Me: Me too 

She turned back startled and I smiled at her

Me: Ira, you okay ?

She straightened up her spine and gave me her twinkled smile

Ira: Ofcourse, you need any help ?

Me: Yeah, you see, it is the end of the shift so before you leave check on the patient once okay ?

She nodded obediantly and I started to walk away. I turned back remembering something and she crashed into my chest. Her hands on my chest to steady herself while I looked at her closely. The 2 pimples on her cheek. The wild baby hair on her temple, her big eyes

Me: Oh, I forgot to ask you something

Ira: What ?

Me: Actually, its a request

Ira: Okay 

I put a hand on her upper back and guided her to the staircase

Me: If you are really off the shift then would you like to go to the dinner once you check on the patient ?

Ira: What ?

Me: Look, you are really cute and talented so ..

Ira: You are cute too but I dont do quick hookups and one night stands so no thank you

Me: Oyy, let me tell you I am not interested in this quick hook ups or one night stands either. I intend to hold the car door open for you when we go to dinner and feed you with everything you wanna have. Then I would like to talk to you and know more about you whenever we have that time outside our hospital hours.

 I would like to take you to more dates if we like each other presence and when we both feel its the right time, I would like to hold you close, press you against a surface and kiss you by snaking my arms around your waist. One hand on the curve of your cheek and other one on the back, exactly on your spine and later ....

I closed his mouth with my hands and stopped his flow of words

Ira: Fine, I will go out with you

Me: Are you saying yes because you are interested in me or just because of that verbal visual I presented ?

Ira: Both and are you aware that we are in a public space and our conversation could echo out loud ?

Me: You think I care about that ? So Ira, would you like to go out with me with your full consent ? No pressure okay ? 

Ira: I will meet you in the lobby in a hour

And in about 15 dates of talking and knowing each other, holding her hand and getting cozy by 10 th date and kissing her on her cheek or forehead by the 12 th date, I did end up kissing her, pushing her up against my car. 

I dropped her off at her shared apartment at 11:50 pm that day. I ended up prolonging our conversation, kissing her hands or holding her against me. It turned 11:55 pmand she was still unwillingly trying to move away from me to go to her room afraid that she could be spotted by her land lady. When it turned 12 am, I let go of her. She looked shocked that I did let her go but when she stepped a step away I grabbed her and pushed her back to my car kissing her passionately while touching her with the back of my hand. When I ended the kiss I spotted a tear drop and a happy smile on her face. I slowly licked the tear away

Me: Happy Birthday Iru 

Saying that I hugged her and she forgot all about the prying eyes when she hugged me back, with equal passion, moving her hands on my back, kissing me on the cheek

That was a great day until ....


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