Chapter 20

41 4 13

Yashna POV

Does Vikram really know the truth which I tried to hide from everybody ?

What all does he know ?

How did he know that ?

Vikram was cooking in the kitchen and I sat down on the counter in front of him. He was busy making potato curry and rasam

Me: I needed to ask you a question

Vikram: Dint I say only 5 questions for today?

Me: You said you knew something about me right ? About my trip to deepwoods. How did you know that ? You said you saw me recently while crossing the road and then kidnapped me. Which was just a two months ago. A trip to the deep woods was way before that ... did you see me before ?

Vikram: Yes, I lied about that. I was looking at you since your visit to deepwoods, hence I know why you are reluctant to go to your parents or your supposed fiancee. Your call to the deep woods a few days before your wedding confirmed my suspicions

Me: Why dint you tell me about the truth

Vikram: I did not know you wanted to be reminded to your visit and stay at Deepwoods Mental Wellness Center

Me: So .. you know ?

Vikram nodded and handed me a glass of water while I ran my hands through my hair

Me: You said you also know I was faking it, which means you know why I was faking it or what exactly I was faking 

Vikram: Yes, I was there

Me: You were there ?

Vikram: I was the visiting doctor there, who helped with treating seizures, panic attacks, anxiety in patients enrolled there. You were one of my consultation. I knew your history from your immediate doctor. He felt sorry for you and what you were going through.

Me: So you knew why I was there or what exactly triggered it ?

Vikram: Yes, Dr. Sahay wanted you to tell the truth but when you did tell the truth because of your headaches, hallucinations and visions, people did not believe you. So, under medication we tried to provide therapy. You opened up and told your real story at home. We got to know the overall truth. I knew or I have decided that a person who looks like Ira, will not be suffering. I told him to call the police but without concrete proof, we could not take action, the sayings of person suffering from mis diagnosed shizopernia did not help

We even spoke but you were always under heavy medications. I was not surprised when you could not recognise me. You were operated on to treat your condition. You forgot all about me or we assumed the side effect of the operation made you forget why you were there in first place.

 Your parents came, in the end with the mental condition like your's, the parents become your legal guardians, who take your decision. I thought when you wake up, you will be strong enough to fight for yourself but your memory cheated on you, you forgot again. You woke up and your parents were ready to take you back. We told the truth but they refuse to believe that, we tried to involve law but that did not help, your Aditya had contacts which made us take a step back legally, but I was okay with going illegal.

My way might not be appropriate but I was okay to kidnap you even when you hate me, but you called to Dr. Sahay and told him you remember why you were there in first place and wanted his help escaping but his hands were tied while you were under them.

I stepped in and did what no one could

Me: You said you kidnapped me because you wanted me close because you missed Ira

Vikram: Yes, that was the other reason too

Me: Now, you know why I am hesitant to go back to my parents or my ex fiancee

Vikram: Yes .... your ex fiancee Aditya was abusing you, trying to physically aquire you like a property, intimidating you or yelling at you for keeping your distance. His little abusive moments turned into big ones, your parents never believed you or even if you showed them what was happening to you like the angry scars on your body because of his anger, they said as you would be his wife someday. Its okay to be close to him. 

They said they were forever indebted to Aditya's parents because when an ugly politics screwed up your dad's job, his manager was helpless and had to let him go. By being black listed he was depressed and had a heart attack, a surgery pushed you all in debt and his manager's family offered him a job as a lead priest in the temple they were managing which made them forever grateful that they wantedly did not believe you. That angered me, and hence I said it was my revenge on them for hurting you by taking his side when he was supposed to be jailed for molesting on you, which effected you so much that you had seizures which was mispotrayed as mental illness.


Hello All,

Here is the short glimpse of Yashna's past

So everyone who were rooting for Aditya ... what do you think ?

He was a manipulator with a good boy syndrome while his parents idolized his family and underplayed her suffering to just moods

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