I think it's getting worse. ⏯ L.T. Larry

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Louis winced as another wave of excruciating pain shot through his stomach. He'd been trying to ignore it for hours, hoping it would pass on its own, but it only seemed to intensify with time. Curling up on his bed, he clutched his abdomen, his face contorted in agony.

It wasn't the first time he had experienced such pain, but it was definitely one of the worst episodes. He groaned, feeling utterly helpless and alone. The rest of the boys were out, probably enjoying their free time, unaware of Louis' suffering.

But fate had other plans. The door creaked open, and in walked Harry, concern etched on his face. "Hey, Lou, I heard you weren't feeling well—"

Louis cut him off with a pained expression. "Harry, I... I think it's getting worse." His voice trembled, and he winced again as another spasm racked his body.

Immediately, Harry's worry deepened, and he rushed to Louis' side, kneeling beside him. "What's wrong? Should I call someone? A doctor?" He hovered uncertainly, wanting to help but not sure how.

Louis shook his head weakly, his breaths shallow. "No, no doctors. It's... it's just stomach cramps, they'll pass."

Harry's brow furrowed in concern. "Louis, you look like you're in agony. Let me help you."

Louis hesitated, pride warring with pain, but ultimately, he relented. "Okay, but just... just stay with me, please."

Harry nodded, his green eyes filled with empathy. Gently, he helped Louis into a more comfortable position, propping pillows behind him for support. He then fetched a glass of water and some pain medication, carefully handing them to Louis.

As Louis swallowed the pills, he leaned into Harry's touch, seeking comfort in his presence. "Thanks, Haz. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Harry offered him a soft smile, running a soothing hand through Louis' hair. "You don't have to do anything alone, Lou. We're a team, remember?"

Louis nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude wash over him. In that moment, despite the pain coursing through his body, he felt a profound sense of warmth and love, knowing that Harry was there for him, always.

For the rest of the evening, Harry stayed by Louis' side, offering comfort and reassurance as the pain gradually subsided. And as Louis drifted off to sleep, he felt grateful for the unwavering support of his bandmate and friend, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

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