Poor Hazza. ⏯ H.S.

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The sun was setting over the London skyline as One Direction returned to their rented apartment after a long day of rehearsals. Harry stumbled into the kitchen, his stomach grumbling loudly. He rummaged through the fridge, searching for something to snack on. His eyes landed on a package of ham tucked away in the back, its expiration date long past due.

"Score!" Harry exclaimed, pulling out the package without bothering to check the date. He ripped it open and took a big bite, savouring the salty flavour. But as soon as the meat hit his stomach, he felt a sharp pang of regret.

"Ugh, that tastes off," he muttered, but he was too hungry to care. Ignoring the warning signs, he finished the ham and tossed the package into the trash.

Hours later, the apartment was filled with the sound of Harry's groans as he doubled over in pain. Nausea churned in his stomach, and sweat beaded on his forehead.

"Harry, mate, you alright?" Niall asked, concern etched on his face as he approached his friend.

Harry shook his head weakly. "I think... I think I ate something bad," he managed to gasp out before rushing to the bathroom.

Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall gathered outside the bathroom door, exchanging worried glances as they listened to Harry's retching.

"He's been in there for ages," Liam remarked, tapping his foot anxiously.

"He's probably got food poisoning," Louis said grimly. "That ham he ate was way past its expiration date."

Niall winced. "Poor Hazza. We've gotta help him."

As Harry emerged from the bathroom, pale and shaky, the boys sprang into action. Liam fetched a bucket while Niall brought a glass of water and a wet cloth. Louis hovered nearby, offering words of comfort.

"Here, mate, drink this," Zayn said, handing Harry the glass of water.

Harry took a sip, grimacing at the taste. "Thanks, Zaynie."

"You need to stay hydrated," Liam advised, placing the bucket beside Harry just in case.

"I feel like crap," Harry muttered, sinking onto the couch.

"We'll take care of you, don't worry," Louis reassured him, patting his shoulder.

Over the next few days, Harry's condition gradually improved thanks to the tender care of his bandmates. They took turns sitting with him, watching movies, and making sure he had plenty of fluids and bland food.

"You're lucky to have us," Louis teased, earning a weak smile from Harry.

"Yeah, thanks, guys," Harry said sincerely, feeling grateful for their support.

"It's what mates are for," Niall replied, ruffling Harry's hair affectionately.

And as Harry drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the warmth and laughter of his friends, he knew that even the worst bout of food poisoning couldn't dampen the bond they shared.

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