Truth or dare? ⏯ L.T.

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Louis sat cross-legged on the floor of their shared hotel room, surrounded by his bandmates. It was one of those rare moments when they had a bit of downtime amidst their hectic schedule. They'd decided to spend the evening in, ordering takeout and playing games to unwind.

"Okay, truth or dare, Louis?" Harry grinned mischievously, holding up a bottle they were using to spin and determine the next victim.

Louis chuckled, glancing around at his friends. "Alright, hit me with your best shot, Haz."

Harry tapped his chin, pretending to contemplate his options. "Hmm, truth then. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on stage?"

Louis laughed, recalling a particularly memorable incident involving a misplaced microphone stand. As he shared the story, the others erupted into fits of laughter, teasing him gently.

When the laughter died down, Liam leaned forward with a smirk. "Alright, my turn. Truth or dare, Louis?"

Louis pondered for a moment before grinning back. "Dare, mate. Let's make it interesting."

Liam's eyes sparkled with mischief. "I dare you to... tell us something none of us knows about you."

Louis's grin faltered slightly, his mind racing. He hadn't really planned for this. But then again, what harm could a little truth do? Taking a deep breath, he decided to share something he'd kept private for years.

"I... I'm autistic," Louis admitted quietly, his gaze flickering nervously between his bandmates.

There was a beat of silence as his words sank in. Zayn's brow furrowed in confusion, while Niall's eyes widened in surprise. Harry's expression softened, a mixture of understanding and support evident in his green eyes.

"Seriously?" Niall blurted out, breaking the silence. "I had no idea, mate."

Louis nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he revealed this intimate part of himself to his friends. "Yeah, it's something I've learned to live with over the years."

Zayn leaned forward, a look of genuine curiosity on his face. "Do you mind if I ask how you manage it? I mean, being in the spotlight all the time and dealing with everything that comes with it."

Louis shrugged, offering a small smile. "It's definitely challenging at times, but I've got a great support system. And honestly, being on stage is one of the few places where I feel completely at ease. It's like all my worries just fade away when I'm up there performing."

Harry reached out, squeezing Louis's shoulder in a show of solidarity. "Well, we've got your back, Lou. Always."

The warmth of his friends' support washed over Louis, filling him with a sense of gratitude and belonging. In that moment, he realized just how lucky he was to have these four amazing lads by his side.

As they continued their game of truth or dare, Louis couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of closeness with his bandmates. And as they laughed and joked late into the night, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as a band of brothers.

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