Should we call a doctor. ⏯ L.T.

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The sun was beating down on the luxurious poolside of the rented villa where One Direction had decided to take a well-deserved break from their hectic schedule. Laughter and playful banter filled the air as the boys enjoyed a rare moment of relaxation.

Louis Tomlinson, the cheeky and outgoing member of the band, was engaged in a friendly water fight with Niall, splashing water at each other like a couple of mischievous kids. But as Louis attempted a particularly daring dive into the pool, his foot slipped on the wet tiles, sending him crashing headfirst into the water with an audible splash.

"Louis!" Harry's voice was filled with concern as he rushed to the edge of the pool, followed closely by Liam, Zayn, and Niall.

Louis resurfaced, rubbing his head with a grimace. "Ouch, that hurt more than I expected."

"Are you alright, mate?" Liam asked, worry etched on his face as he helped Louis out of the pool.

Louis nodded, albeit a bit unsteadily. "Yeah, just a bit dizzy."

Zayn frowned, examining Louis closely. "You hit your head pretty hard. Maybe we should get you checked out, just to be safe."

Louis waved him off, trying to brush it off with his trademark grin. "Nah, I'm fine, really. Just need a moment to shake it off."

But Harry wasn't convinced. "Better safe than sorry, Lou. Let's at least get you inside and make sure everything's alright."

Inside the villa, Louis slumped onto the couch, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over him. The concerned looks on his bandmates' faces only heightened his own worry.

"I think he might have a concussion," Niall said, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Should we call a doctor?" Liam asked, already reaching for his phone.

Louis shook his head, feeling guilty for causing such a fuss. "Guys, I'm telling you, I'm fine. Just a little bump, that's all."

Harry sat beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We just want to make sure you're okay, Lou. Concussions can be serious."

Zayn nodded in agreement. "He's right. Let's keep an eye on him for now and see how he's feeling."

Despite his protests, Louis couldn't deny the concern in his friends' eyes. "Alright, fine. But no need to panic, okay?"

The boys settled in around Louis, keeping a close watch on him as they chatted and joked, trying to lighten the mood. But beneath the laughter, there was an undercurrent of worry, a shared concern for their friend's well-being.

As the hours passed, Louis began to feel the effects of his fall more acutely. The dizziness persisted, accompanied now by a throbbing headache that seemed to intensify with each passing moment.

"I think we should definitely call a doctor," Liam said, his voice filled with urgency as he observed Louis's pale complexion.

Louis didn't protest this time, silently conceding to his bandmates' concerns. Within moments, a doctor arrived at the villa, conducting a thorough examination of Louis's symptoms.

"It looks like you've got yourself a mild concussion, mate," the doctor confirmed, scribbling something down on his notepad. "Nothing too serious, but you'll need to take it easy for a few days and avoid any strenuous activity."

Louis nodded, relieved that it wasn't anything more serious. His bandmates hovered nearby, offering words of comfort and support as the doctor outlined a plan for his recovery.

"Looks like you're on pool duty for the rest of the trip," Niall teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Louis chuckled weakly, grateful for the unwavering support of his friends. Despite the setback, he knew he was lucky to have such caring and attentive bandmates by his side.

As the sun set over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the villa, the boys settled in for the evening, united in their determination to ensure Louis's speedy recovery.

Together, they would weather this storm, just as they had weathered so many before. For in the end, it was their bond as brothers that would see them through, stronger than any concussion or setback could ever hope to be.

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